Chapter 2: New Family

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A Year and a Half Later...

Lea's Perspective:

You'd think people would look upon an orphan with pity regardless of their situation. But really, the world doesn't give a damn what you've been through. I've been to about six different foster homes so far in my orphan career. The first one was about three months after I got out of the hospital where my life went to garbage. They were a nice couple in their late fifties who had grandchildren, which made me wonder why they would want to adopt me. They wanted a 'fresh start' and turned towards foster care. I had only spent a month there when the older man had a stroke and the woman couldn't keep me anymore. However, it doesn't end there. The next three foster homes lasted about two weeks each. Two of them returned me because I didn't fit in with their family, which I guess means I must be too strange for some to handle. I guess that's fair to say because I can be as introverted and extroverted as I please. The last family actually lasted around six months. At that point, I thought I had an actual stable home, but soon they found a little girl who was about six years younger than me. They coincidentally gave me back on my fifteenth birthday, saying they'd rather have the opportunity to make a connection with a younger child. For the past couple of months, I've been back at the foster home. My roommates have already been adopted, so it's just me. My room was empty, awaiting new arrivals, only to be adopted before me. I have a meeting with a couple at two o' clock, then one at four. The woman who owns the foster care, Miss Hazel, has been pushing to get me a foster home that will actually keep me and not return me like I come with some kind of receipt at a grocery store. Not a day goes by that I don't constantly wonder why I am unwanted. What is wrong with me? I am respectful, I do my chores, and I even help around the house. What am I doing wrong?

Miss Hazel's Perspective:

Lea is never going to get adopted out to a home that wants her. She was the first child that has been returned to me more than once. For all I know these families have been returning her because she's some kind of criminal that steals from local 7-11's. But no worries, I will get her adopted soon. She just needs to be more flexible. Maybe if she opens up her heart people won't bring her back. If she wasn't so selectively introverted she would probably have a good home by now. Granted her first and last foster homes weren't her fault, I'm just hoping she'll learn that she needs to take these meetings seriously. I stood at the bottom of the staircase.

"Lea! Your meeting is in ten minutes!" I yelled up the stairs.

I could hear the occasionally stomping of footsteps from the second floor.

I heard her voice yelling from upstairs;

"Okay, I'm coming!"

I rolled my eyes.

"You don't want to be late for your first impression now do you?" I nagged.

I met her gaze as she stood at the top of the stairs.

"Well, you don't want me looking like a slob for them now, do you?" she remarked sarcastically, raising a brow to intentionally mock me.

I scoffed as I opened the door to the basement;

"Just don't be late again, alright?"

Lea's Perspective:

As of now, it was late afternoon and both of the meetings actually went great. Although that's how it usually starts off...They tell me about how I would fit perfectly into their family and that they would love and take care of me as if I were their own. Yeah, I've heard that before and let's just say that ship has sailed. I want to be adopted, I really do, but I feel like every time I get settled hell has to break loose. I walked downstairs to check on dinner when I heard Miss Hazel talking on the phone.

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