Chapter 9: Family

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Jake's Perspective:

I was at a loss for words. Her eyelids fluttered open revealing big brown eyes just like mine. She stared at me, and I returned it.

Lea's Perspective:

Immediately upon seeing him, panic coursed through my body the longer I sat there gazing. But for the first time being here in Neverland, or anywhere really, I felt safe. And I have no idea why, because if I remember correctly in little to no time I'll be meeting the wrath of Pan. It was just something about this boy, I had a feeling of some sort, one of comfort and ease. But even still my mind flickered between running and trying to escape like I always do, but it was inevitable, one way or another, I'm going to run into these boys. So I may as well tackle it now.

Except neither one of us said anything. We just stared at each other until I decided to break my gaze and look down and stare at the ground. The boy however kept his gaze. After a few more minutes, the boy finally spoke. 

"You saved me..." he muttered just loud enough for me to hear.

Shocked to hear him say those words, I slowly looked up with a slightly perplexed look on my face, meeting his gaze once again. What, no "how did you get here"? No "Why are you resisting Pan and the Lost Boys"? Out of everything that's happened in these past few days that's what's on his mind? I looked back down again at the ground fearing to speak and look him directly in the eyes. Those big, brown eyes...

"Hm?" I simply respond just loud enough for him to hear without meeting his gaze. I waited for him to clarify, in case if somehow, some way, he was talking about something else. But how could he be? My mind just kept trying to convince myself that maybe there's a loophole in this, or simply that there's a loophole in everything. But inside I knew EXACTLY what he was talking about. And to be honest, I remember everything that happened so vividly that, part of me could almost do it again...

"That wolf that attacked saved me...why? He paused a moment before he began speaking again. "You could've just let me have it. You could've just minded your own business and not given it a second glance, but you risked your safety to help someone you didn't even know...someone you even thought was against you...why?"

My heart just stopped. And I paused. Did he say what I think he just said? Did he say someone you thought was against you? No. There's no way that's what he meant..."or maybe he's different" I thought to myself but quickly pushed it away. I can't let these thoughts comfort me. Not until I know for sure. He's with them. I'm my own side and that's that. I finally had the courage to speak, but as I did, my thoughts kinda just poured out along with it.

"Cause you're different" I said looking up. He kept his strong gaze toward me as I looked up.

"You don't deserve that kind of fate. You're different from the others, or from Pan at least..." I spoke meekly trying not to draw too much attention, but obviously that didn't work.

"You know who he is?" he questioned almost shocked.

I somewhat casually responded, "Yeah...Felix and Hunter mentioned him when they were in the woods." 

For the first time Jake broke his gaze and looked down. But shortly after his gaze returned. I noticed my heart began to beat faster as anticipation built up inside of me. There was one question I have yet to ask him, and I think now would probably be the best time.

"So then why did you save me?" I spoke at first looking at the ground but then at him. "You guys wouldn't have to worry about finding me anymore. Seems like I'm just a burden anyways." I added.

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