Chapter 5: No Regrets

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Lea's Perspective:

After minimal exploration on the forest floor I finished the pile of grubs and berries I had picked from nearby bushes and trees. Part of me can't fathom my meals consisting of berries and grubs for the rest of my life, but I find that it's just best to take it one step at a time. Fortunately, I came across a long, sharp, spear-like rock that would be my only source of defense, at least for a while. I wasn't confident enough to do any more exploring, so I figured it would be safer to just hide out in the trees for the day to take in everything that has happened. As I was beginning to climb up a towering ash tree my attention was drawn towards a peculiar noise I heard off in the distance. Instantly feeling anxiety course through my veins I rapidly climbed the tree until I was hidden between several patches of vines and leaves. Taking the sharp stone out of my belt loop I held my breath and scanned the forest below. More shuffling of leaves and snapping twigs filled my ears to the point where I wasn't sure if my heart would be able to take it anymore. Was it a horrific bear? A pack of hungry wolves? A wild boar? Something that would surely kill me horrifically? Gripping the stone tightly I closed my eyes and silently exhaled a deep breath.

When I opened my eyes what I saw wasn't an animal.

It was a boy.

He didn't appear to be hunting like I would've expected. Instead he seemed to just be strolling through the forest, thinking perhaps. I noticed that his short blonde hair was more up-kept than the other boys I had seen. He looked to be around my age. For some reason he didn't come off the same way the other boys did. He was more gentle...more humane...It was almost as if I was in a trance; I couldn't look away. I slowly lowered the sharp stone in my hand to my hip and relaxed. I watched as he slowly walked through the forest with his head down, his gaze following the ground below him. But my thoughts were cut short when the boy suddenly got startled. He turned around quickly and set his hands on the dagger in his belt. I held my breath with worry.

Did he see me?

Jake's Perspective:

I turned suddenly to find myself completely alone.

There was nothing there.

I could have sworn I heard something...

As I turned back where I was walking I noticed that I was nearing the edge of a large cliff. Continuing to ponder in my thoughts I heard another twig snap behind me.

This time I know I heard it.

I drew my hunting knife in defense and turned around once more. For a moment I still saw nothing, but just a few seconds later something happened that I couldn't have predicted. A wolf leapt out only a few feet in front of me without warning. In shock, I sprung back a few feet to find myself shaking. I've never been this close to an animal that could easily eat me, not to mention that I don't hunt as often as I used to. I started to tremble in fear as it approached me. And what I did next was incredibly foolish, but it was my only chance of survival.

I ran.

The wolf thought nothing of it and was close on my tail. As I attempted to escape the wolf I noticed I was getting to the dead end that led off the cliff.

At this point there was nothing I can do.

Just moments later I was met with the edge of the cliff. Sliding to a halt I looked over the edge and saw a drop off of at least a hundred feet. Turning around, the wolf eyed me. It inched toward me coldly, viciously. I could tell in its eyes it knew it had won the game. I inched back the closer it got to me. Suddenly my stomach dropped when my feet stumbled off the edge. I dropped my knife over the edge of the cliff as I attempted to regain my balance. The metal blade clashed against the side of the cliff as it fell a hundred feet to the bottom.

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