Chapter 33: Heartbroken

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Jake's Perspective:

I jogged through the forest as I tried to catch up to Lea. I didn't call out her name in the hopes that I would just eventually be at the same pace as her. But the only thing was she was much farther ahead of me and I didn't know where she was heading. So many emotions circled throughout my body making me unable to stand not being with her. Once in a while I would glance back to make sure I wasn't being followed as I continued to jog. After a few minutes I seemed to be jogging faster and faster, almost as if I was running. At this point I could no longer see her and wondered if I should just turn back. But something made me keep going, something that made me feel like I'd be an idiot if I gave up. It'd almost be like I was giving up on her, and I don't know that I'd ever be able to do that. I constantly looked around myself to see if there was any sign of her, but it was to no prevail. Now it was a matter of thinking like Lea if I wanted to find her. Her voice and words replayed in my mind.

"-You know where to find me if you need me."

It took me a moment before I realized...

I think I know where she is.

I turned to a slightly different direction and began to actually run. If she indeed is where I think she is, it's gonna take some time to get there. My heart began to beat faster and faster and I smiled to myself.

Nothing's going to stop me from telling her.

For a while I ran alongside the river that flowed through the island. The leaves crushed underneath my feet and I ran further and further. Before I knew it I realized I was actually excited. Excited to be alone with her, and excited to let myself be free of this burden. I knew I was getting closer by the surrounding area that looked the same as it usually does. Panting, I stopped to catch my breath, realizing I must've run at least a few miles or so. I rested my forehead against the tree, my arm right above it, as I inhaled and exhaled harshly. I just really hope she's where I think she is...I prepared myself to start running until something caught me off guard. I heard a peculiar sound, like the sound of splashing water. Intrigued, I hesitantly moved from my stance toward the sound. It seemed gentle and delicate, like it wasn't intended to be heard. My feet crunched through the leaves, making me walk slower to try to be as silent as humanly possible. I looked between the trees and in front of me and couldn't see anything. Maybe it was nothing? But then there it was again, the sound of something hitting water. I can't be crazy...I know I can hear it...I weaved in between the field of trees in front of me in search of the source of the sound. What didn't make sense to me was that the river was behind me, so where else would there be water? Looking about my surroundings, I realized I was a complete idiot. I'd recognize this area anywhere. It was one of my favorite places to go when I wanted to think. Hearing another pitter patter-like sound, I moved close and hid behind a wide tree that stood just before my favorite place. I peaked from around the ash tree and smiled to myself in excitement. At that moment I saw Lea sitting at the creek, throwing pebbles into the still water. Her long hair was in a side braid resting over her shoulder. I watched as her head tipped back slightly and she released a deep breath. I couldn't see her face, but I could tell something was off. My smile slowly faded as I could feel the vibe she was giving off. It wasn't warm or comforting in any way like it usually is. It seemed more like a lost sense of security and depression. I was focused on her until I heard a slight brushing of leaves nearby. I turned my head to look and see what it was, but there was nothing there. Turning my attention back to Lea, I tried to plan out in my head how I would approach her and soon came to a conclusion. I exhaled and rested my eyes. Opening my eyes, I readied myself to come out from behind the tree when a twig snapped. Lea's head moved suddenly in the direction the noise came from. I knew I didn't make the noise...I hadn't even moved. But if it wasn't me, then who was it?

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