Chapter 8: Your Secret's Safe With Me

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Lea's Perspective:

The boys were getting closer, so I prepared myself to go under.

"I think he went this way!"

There's my cue. I take a large breath and sunk just below the surface of the water. I was close enough to the surface where I could see what was going on outside of the water. Most of the boys didn't even pay attention to the lagoon while the last few stopped to take a breath. At this point I wasn't being very patient cause they were taking their time like they had nothing to lose. Well you know I can only hold my breath so long so move along! At last, the final boy left to join the group. To be safe, I waited another ten seconds or so until bobbing my head up to gasp for air. My face was still masked by my cloak, as it kind of became a new habit of mine. I didn't want to risk my identity anymore so I kinda just go with it. I was relieved the boys were gone, but the relief didn't last long.

I felt a little tugging at my legs. I looked down and couldn't see anything. I thought I was crazy until I felt my waist being pulled down into the water. I yelped out in distress as I was pulled back under. In the water I was able to tell what the creature was, it was a mermaid. I started to fight myself free only to be pulled down even deeper. It started to strangle me and tire me out so I couldn't fight back any longer. The mermaid strangling me didn't show any emotion of anger or maliciousness, it gave me a look like it was doing me a favor. At that point I hadn't had oxygen in 2 minutes and I started to lose consciousness. I didn't have any more energy and the mermaid just pulled me along. My eyes were still half open when I thought I started to see things. There was what looked like the shape of a boy in the distance swimming towards me. As it got closer, I started believing it was real. Eventually it got to us and when I looked at him I was in shock. It was the boy. The one I saved earlier today. His big brown eyes and short blonde hair was visible in the water. How did he find me? I was hidden from view underneath the lagoon yet he was still able to find me. I gazed upon him, he was strong, he grabbed me and started to shake off the mermaid. He finally kicked the mermaid off me and held me in his arms. He saved me. He actually saved me. We were close to the surface and I was practically almost dead. We were underwater for 4 minutes with no oxygen. We gasped for air as we reached the surface. Slowly without a word, we both made out way to shore and we climbed on the cold sand and layed on our backs. I was so exhausted and everything hurt. I could feel my body was going to bruise and my lungs ached. It was here that my eyes closed and I blacked out.

Jake's Perspective:

We layed there for what felt like hours. I was exhausted. I expected the boy in the cloak to run away again when he got the chance, but he didn't. He just layed there still with the hood covering his face. At this point I don't even know if he's still conscious. Why was he so afraid? More importantly, why was he afraid of ME? He risked his life to save me but he still feared me. None of this was making sense. I had to get answers. I know I'll be here when he wakes up, but in case if he tries to run again, I just need to know what he's hiding. What's so important that he can't show anyone?

I sat up and hissed at the pain in my back. I turned to see the boy unconscious next to me. I sat closer to him so I could get a better look.

"Why are you running away from us?" I ask quietly out loud even though I know he can't hear me.

I slowly reach toward his hood covering his face. I slowly pull it back over his shoulders. I still didn't look to see his face, more because I was nervous if it was going to be some kind of weird demon.

"On the count of three" I think to myself.


I opened my eyes...and all I could do was stare. This lost arrival, this lost was a girl...I sat there looking at her with wide eyes. She was my age, she was stunning. The more I thought, the more I realized what was going on. I leaned over to her ear and whispered:

"I know why you're running..."

She didn't want us knowing she was a girl. That's why she was afraid of me. The more I think about it, her saving me means more to me than I thought. She risked her freedom to save the boy that was supposed to be hunting her. She could've let me suffer and die a painful death, but she didn't.

At this point I can't help but hold out my hand and pull the strand of hair on her face and tuck it behind her ear. I need to know her name, and I need to make sure she isn't caught. Who knows what Pan will do if he finds out his new "arrival" was actually a girl. I decide to find a place to hide her for the time being. I scoop her up in my arms and start walking. I eventually found a large tree and I set her down beside it. I contemplated in my head if I should just hide her here or if I should stay until she wakes up. After thinking over it I decided to stay, after all I think we both needed some answers. I sat across from her hoping not to freak her out too much at the sight of me. About half an hour later I started to get drowsy and started to doze off. That is until I hear the cloaked girl start to stir in her sleep. The more I observed her, the more curious I got. Her hair was long and wavy and was a dark shade of brown. I've yet to see her eyes but it was then that my thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of her starting to wake up.

Lea's Perspective:

The last thing I could remember was crawling up the sand of the lagoon with the mysterious boy from earlier. Boy did I screw up this time. I knew from the very last moments of being conscious on the sand that my little charade was over. He was going to tie me up and bring me back to their camp to meet my fate. And if I'm going to be completely honest; I was afraid. Afraid of a possible death, afraid of the explanation I would have to give to them for running away and not facing my problems. As I was thinking I realized that I was awake, only my eyes were closed and I couldn't feel anything. However slowly but surely the tips of my toes and fingers started feeling a tingling sensation and they began to receive their mobility. While keeping my eyes closed, I started gaining feeling in my muscles and body once again and started to stir. I felt myself against a tree where I had obviously not gotten there myself. It was then I realized I couldn't be afraid anymore. I have to do this. One way or another I was going to have to confront these "lost boys". I propped myself up and my eyes fluttered open. I stared directly in front of me, where a pair of big brown eyes were staring directly back.


A.N: Hey guys! So honestly this was a really hard chapter to write because I had to constantly rewrite it to try to get it right. So basically the story is going to pick up the pace now that the two main characters have somewhat met. Still sooooo excited to continue writing and I'll try to have the next chapter done within the next couple of days. As always, luv ya guys! <3

-Agm <3

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