Chapter 19: Unveiling Secrets

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Jake's Perspective:

Lost Boys cheered everywhere when Pan dropped his sword in surrender. Lea stood there with the sword pressing against his neck when she spoke.

"I win" she laughed.

She released the pressure of the sword against Pan's neck and took a step back. The expression on Pan's face surprised me considering he just lost a sword fight against Lea. He looked slightly impressed, but his expression showed something else...but I have no idea what it was. Lost Boys everywhere continued to lose it when Pan interrupted.

"Alright we had our fun, but it's time to get back to your posts...we've spotted pirates on the island..." he announced.

A moment later Felix appeared out of the bushes with a slightly concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong Felix?" Pan asked.

"It's the pirates. Several of them just drowned in Mermaid's Lagoon."

"Any of them within the perimeter?" Pan questioned.

"No sir, just the ones at the lagoon."

"Good, keep an eye on things, ...I'm going to investigate..." Pan finished.

"Will do."

Pan turned back to the Lost Boys.

"Attention, Hook is up to one of his pathetic schemes again. While I'm gone, no one is to leave camp-"

Pan looked over at me, and then Lea for a few moments. Did he know we left last night?


Lost boys responded all around when Pan turned and walked into the woods until he couldn't be seen anymore. Felix continued to look uneasy, like something was wrong...or like there was something he didn't tell Pan...

"You heard him. Back to your posts" Felix announced.

The group of Lost Boys broke and returned to their posts like they'd been told to do. I started back to my post when I was hit in the back of the head by a rock. Looking back, I saw an amused Sam and Julian laughing their butts off at the campfire. Giving them an 'are you serious' expression, I turned around and walked to the campfire.

"What do you want?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"You remember our deal from earlier? Now we have time, Pan isn't around and Felix is busy doing 'Felix like' things" Sam blurted.

I rolled my eyes and explained.

"I can't tell you guys here, meet me in my hut in ten minutes ok?" I gave in.

"Sounds like a plan" Julian responded while whittling a stick.

I left the campfire confused and disappointed that I caved into those two nit-wits. How am I supposed to tell them? Even more, how am I supposed to keep their traps shut?

I started walking to my hut when I noticed the door to the hut next to mine was wide open. That's funny...nobody's been in there since the incident...

Out of pure curiosity, I walked to the hut and poked my head inside. I took a few steps into the hut when I stopped and examined everything; not a pin out of place. Looking at everything gave me weird nostalgia. I had a lot of memories in here, it's just been so long since I've seen it.

"Hey stranger" I heard a voice from across the room. Normally, I would've jumped out of my skin, but the voice was lax and soft; it was Lea's.

She was laying on the bed in the corner of the room with her feet up against the wall. She tossed a baseball in the air and caught it repeatedly.

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