Chapter Three

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For the past few days I have successfully avoided Julie. I have ignored her attempts to contact me as well as taken to the forest to rest. The only time I was in my dorm room was to retrieve clothes needed to go to class. And that has also become affected. I have missed a few of the classes that I am to attend due to my avoiding of Julie.

With all this happening, I still knew that it would come to an end soon. Soon I wouldn't have to worry about the avoidance. I wouldn't have to worry about Bo or his followers trying to bully me. It takes a lot out of me faking being hurt by Bo's flames. To this day, he still thinks that they can actually hurt me.

You would expect that within a magical arts academy that the bullying and the physical torment would come via magic, but you'd be wrong. Most of it is purely physical as if we were normals and not mages.

When it was time to go to the arena behind the school, I became a little nervous about the fact of what I was going to do. I let my guard slip as I walked towards the overly large open domed arena.

"Victor!" I heard the familiar voice shout behind me. How could I have let this happen. I was so close. So close to finally having some freedom. I turned slowly not letting any emotion show on my face. I saw Julie running towards me.

As she came to a stop in front of me she bent down slightly trying to catch her breath. When she did she stood up with a heavy sigh as she gazed into my eyes. I could see the hurt and pain within hers trying to understand why I saw such things.

"Where have you been?" She asked as the hurt made itself ever present on her face. "I have been looking everywhere for you."

I kept quiet as I continued to hold her gaze. I really did not want to talk to her. I did not want to relive the pain filled days of my past. I just want it over.

"Why won't you talk to me?" She asked as she took a step forward, followed by me taking one back. I did not want her touching me. She saw my movement and tears began to well up in her eyes. "What did I do?" She almost begged for an answer. "Why are you acting this way?" As a tear rolled down her cheek another familiar voice sounded out behind her.

"Hey Jules." Bo said loudly as he came up behind her. He was wearing dark trousers with a light blue shirt that was covered by the academy robes. His short dirty blonde hair slicked back with ease. "Why are you talking to the freak?" He asked as his followers behind him began to laugh.

"What?" Julie asked obviously confused at why he referred to me as the freak. Of course she didn't know. That is what Bo wanted. He wanted her to be oblivious as to what he did. That way he could do what he wanted without her constant glare and meddling.

"Why are you talking to him?" He asked as he turned towards her, using his left arm to turn her towards him. "You shouldn't talk to him. You are already engaged to me. You should know this." So they have made it official. They were finally a couple. I turned around and began to walk towards the participant entrance when a rough hand grasped my right arm. Stopping me in my tracks. I turned slowly to find Bo was the one who stopped me.

"Why are you going to the participants entrance?" He asked before a smile adorned his lips. "Are you actually participating?" He added as he began to laugh along with his followers. "You are weaker than dirt, and yet you think you have a chance."

I could feel his hand begin to heat up and I instantly knew what he was trying to do. He was using his internal flame to burn my arm without Julie's knowing. But this time I couldn't care less about what was going to happen. I noticed how slow he is to get his hand up to the temperature that would actually hurt me and I finally knew of a way to shut him up.

I brought my skin directly under his touch to an even higher temperature than his almost instantly. But I didn't stop there. I wanted to hurt him as he had hurt me. I doubled the temperature as I watched the pained expression cross his face.

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