Chapter 43 : Eriel

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A/N: So, longer chapter than usual. I got a sudden inspiration and decided to finish this story in three more chapters. Here's the line up: 

43: Eriel

44: Hanna 

45: Draco 

Epilogue: Draco & Hanna 

Well, I'll let you enjoy the chapter! Vote please. (: 


After Hanna was taken away, I didn’t have much hope that I would ever get out of that dungeon. I mean, I had been down there for almost a whole year with people coming and going and none of them were me. Being alone, my mind couldn’t help but wonder to what Hanna had told me. She had been dating Draco, my Draco. What happened to us? What did I do to have Draco just drop me? I thought he had loved me. Apparently, I was wrong.

We had gotten together only the year before, but I was completely sure that Draco was the one for me. I was fifteen, yes, but I had known Draco my whole life. The Pebblebrooks and Malfoys had always been great friends, but apparently, certain people came before real friendship.

I closed my eyes and thought about the first time we kissed…

My hands ran along the hedges that ran the perimeter of the muggle park just down the street from my house. Walking over to the swings, I didn’t look at any of the other kids. I just wanted to be left alone, and they left me alone. I sat on the nearest swing and just looked down at the ground. Tears threatened to fall, but I tried not to let them.

“Want me to push you?”

I turned to see the platinum blonde boy smile at me. “Sure,” I smiled back, but not like usual.

He grabbed the chains and pulled back slowly before letting me swing forward. This went on in silence for a few moments before either of us said anything. I just wanted to forget the day that I had and just live in the moment with Draco, but he didn’t let anything slip from his sight.

“So, what’s bothering you?” he somewhat yelled.

I shrugged. “Parents.”

“What about your parents?”

I sighed. “They’re getting a divorce.”

I felt myself abruptly stop swinging. Draco’s hands were right above mine on the chain links that were suspending me in the air. I turned my head just a little to see that he was so close to me. I could feel his breath on my cheek, which made my heart skip a beat.

“Why would that make you unhappy?” he asked.

I sighed. “I’ve always believed in true love because of them. Now that they’re not together anymore, it kind of disproves that love can last forever.”

“Just because you’re parents split up, doesn’t mean that, E. It just means that they weren’t meant to be together,” he smiled, “but their love wasn’t for nothing. Without it, they wouldn’t have you.”

I shrugged again. “You’re right, but they really seemed to be the epitome of true love.”

He nodded. “I know that Amy and Ben seemed too good to be true to me. Their relationship was too perfect that it seemed like it would collapse.”

I swallowed hard as I tried to digest what he had just said.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Foot in mouth disease over here,” he said, and I actually laughed.

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