Chapter 23 : Hanna

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 I looked up to see Draco approaching me. I wasn’t expecting to him to be the one to chase after me. I had expected Bella to chase after me and explain that she was just being a good friend. The thing is I know that she was just looking out for me, but I didn’t want her to. I was so sick of people looking out for me. I was a big girl. I could take care of myself.

“What?” I asked rudely.

He sighed and sat down on the hard, cold stone floor with me. “I thought that we could talk.”

I shrugged. “So talk.”

“You’re not expecting us to get back together, are you?”

I looked at him and choked back some tears. “No, I’m not.”

“Bella said-“

“Who cares what Bella said,” I cut him off. “Alright, I am hoping that we’ll get back together. Is that a crime? I love you, Draco. I’m not ashamed of being with you now that I know the truth,” I paused with a sigh. “Do you not want to get back together?”

A few moments passed as I waited for his answer. “I did, but you know that we can’t.”

“What do you mean you did?” His past tense was scaring the hell out of me. “Are you saying that you’re not in love with me?”

He shrugged. “Maybe I fell out of love when I saw you flirting your ass off with tall, pale, and dark blonde guy. Simon.”

My eyes widened. “I was NOT flirting with him!”

He laughed. “Yeah right. I know how you flirt, Hanna, and that’s what you were definitely doing. I know you, Hanna. You have to at least admit that.”

“Okay,” I caved. “Maybe I was flirting, but he saved my mother from alcoholism. Well, I drove her over the edge, but he kept her on track. Without him, my mum could be dead right now, Draco. Of course I was spending time with him, but he is the nicest person I have ever met.”

He looked at me on that note. “Are you saying I’m not nice?”

“Look, I just said that for extra affect. Of course you’re nice, Draco,” I gulped, “but you’re not fighting for me like you should, which is making me branch out.”

“Are you saying it’s my fault that you’re flirting with other guys?” he yelled, standing up. “If you want to be with me so badly, then why flirt with that guy. Do you know how bad it hurt when I saw you guys together?”

I stood up as well. “Well, then, there’s only a tid bit of what you put me through almost two months ago!”

“Is this what our relationship has become?” he asked, looking in my eyes sadly. “A battle of who can hurt who more? I don’t want that. I’ll never want that, Hanna. Perhaps we don’t belong together after all.”

He turned to walk away, but I called out to him. “You know,” I said, closing the distance between us, “Simon told me that our love was like catching a snowflake,” tears started to build up and overflow. “I tried to prove him wrong by trying to catch a snowflake myself. It melted as soon as it came in contact with my skin. It went away that fast,” I swallowed before continuing. “Maybe he was right. Maybe we don’t belong together after all.”

I brushed passed him after that small speech. It was what was honestly on my mind after our fight. I didn’t want it to be true, but it looked as though he and I were finally over. He and I would probably never be together again, and that’s the sad, sad truth.

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