Chapter 16 : Astoria

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A/N: I know what you’re thinking. I know I just threw Astoria in here without even introducing her to the story yet, but I couldn’t help myself. I think it needed to be done. At least we get a glimpse into her mind before hand, and you’ll find that she reminds you of someone in particular…


“Draco,” Lucius Malfoy said to his son who looked a lot like him. “This is Astoria Greengrass, your fiancé.”

His mouth dropped in surprise. Did his parents really not fill him in on the whole situation? I mean, it’s life changing news that any parent would want to forewarn their child. I guess his parents were different from mine though. My parents told me about everything they did and even asked my opinion on it. They told me that I was getting arranged to marry. I didn’t want anything to do with it, but then I got told that I got to pick who I was marrying. I wasn’t happy with having to marry at sixteen, but at least I got to pick Draco. It could be a lot worse, couldn’t it?

“You have got to be kidding me, right?” Draco finally said after gaining his composure. “No offense or anything,” he directed toward me before continuing, “but I wouldn’t marry her for all the money in the world.”

I crossed my arms. I knew exactly what he meant, but if I would’ve known he was going to be an ass about it, I wouldn’t have picked him. His reputation and his looks got him this close to marrying a beautiful girl, one that actually has money and blood status.

“Look, I don’t want this as much as you, but you’ve got to shut the hell up and bear with it. It’s the best we can do,” I sneered at him through clenched teeth.

“She’s right, Draco,” his mother agreed with me. “It’s better for all parties if you just kept quiet.”

I smirked in his direction. Our parents then left us alone to get to know each other. If you ask me, it was more like torture each other. He was so…like I said before an ass. I couldn’t stand him. Everything about him got on my nerves, and that cockiness of his had to go before we got married. There is no way I was marrying a self absorbed freak like that.

“So, what makes you a deatheater? You’re parents I presume,” he said, looking me up and down. “I mean, come on, girls don’t make great servants to the Dark Lord. Its rather hard work, and only us males know how to handle it.”

I rolled my eyes. “As a matter of fact, I became a deatheater before my parents did. I was the youngest deatheater until you and your friends all got marked, but I am the only one at my school, where I have to infiltrate the Head Mistress,” I smirked, knowing that I had him stopped right there with the thoughts that boys were better than girls. “I was supposed to have it finished by the end of the school year, but I got finished a little before the end of term, so now the Dark Lord is in charge of Beaubatox.” Well, it wiped the smirk of his face. I knew why too. I was just that amazing and clever that I finished months ahead of time. “What about you? Have you even made a dent in your mission?”

He looked away from me and at the floor. “That would be none of your business.”

I sighed and stood. I was done with that conversation. “You know what; I regret ever choosing you to marry. You’re cocky and pig-headed, also not that smart. If I were you, I’d change all that before the wedding, which will be in June. I’ve always wanted a June wedding,” I smiled before walking towards the direction my parents had left. I needed to tell them that I was done with Draco for the day.

“Do you have to get everything you want?” he asked, causing me to stop and slowly turn to him. “Are you such a rich and spoilt bitch that you absolutely must get your way?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I always get what I want, Draco, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Absolutely nothing.” I smirked and flipped my hair.

“Well, that’s about to change because I am not marrying someone self-absorbed and stubborn. If you want this marriage to work out, then I suggest you change that before the wedding. Oh,” he smirked as I started to fume, “we will not be having a June wedding. Not as long as I’m the one that you so want to marry. I think October will be a nice month, what do you think?”

I stomped my foot. “Draco, you are a foul person, and I will see to it that I do get what I want.”

I know they say never to leave angry, but if I would’ve stayed, I would’ve punched him right in the nose. Call me a spoilt bitch, eh? I was going to make sure that the rest of his life was misery, and I had the perfect angle on him. You want to play games, Draco Malfoy? Well, prepare yourself because I don’t back down without a fight.

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