Chapter 29 : Bella

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“Pretego!” I yelled and blocked a spell that had been thrown my way.

We were in the midst of hell; the hell that Blaise had warned me about. We had to make our way to the Room of Requirement. I turned and saw Hanna stunning one of the other deatheaters. I ran over to her blocking any spell that came my way.

“Hanna!” I yelled. “We have to get to the Room of Requirement that’s what Blaise told me.”

“Wait,” she said and looked at me. “You knew about this?”

“Not completely. He just told me that if hell broke loose, that that’s where we were to go,” I turned and blocked another spell.

“Okay,” she yelled. “Stupify!”

We were back to back and fighting of the deatheaters. I turned my head to both sides. It looked as if we had been surrounded. We both just kept yelling out spells. I even bat-boogey hexed one of them just to be replaced by another. What was going on? Why were we being cornered?

“Pretrificus Totalias!” and the deatheater in front of me froze before falling over backwards to reveal Gregory and Robbie. I never thought that I would be happy to see them in all of my life.

Gregory grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. I turned to see Robbie doing the same with Hanna. We made it all the way to the third floor with the same deatheaters in pursuit of us. Gregory was about to lay his hand on the door when we heard Hanna scream. We turned to see Robbie lying on the ground unconscious, or at least I hoped that was all he was. Gregory let go of my hand and started to block off the deatheaters that were enclosing on us. Hanna and I raced to Robbie’s side. We shook him first, which didn’t work. We then decided to magic him into the room.

“Wingardium Leviosa!” we both yelled and got him to float up before a stunning spell hit me in the back, causing Robbie to be slammed onto the hard floor.

Just then a man got in front of me. He kept approaching me until he had me backed all the way into the wall. He smirked at me as I raised my wand. He, without speaking, had caused it to fly out of my hand. I turned my head as he pressed his forehead against the side of my head.

“Bella Bolyard,” he breathed. “For a nasty little mudblood, you sure a pretty thing, aren’t you?”

“Please, let me go,” I said, my voice shaking.

“Why would I do a thing like that when I could just take you with me?” he chuckled. “I won’t though. My kind do not do anything with yours, little Bolyard. Be sure to tell your parents hello from your neighbor up the hill, Jack.”

He pulled from me and faced the deatheater that I saw had a hold of Hanna.

“Let her go!” I yelled.

Jack turned back to me with a grin on his face. “You would be much more prettier if you could just learn to shut your mouth,” he smirked and raised his wand.

I made to yell that he should shut the hell up instead, but no sound escaped from my throat. He had taken my voice away from me. He silenced me. I couldn’t do anything without my wand, which I didn’t see anywhere in sight.

“Take her with us,” Jack told the other deatheater, who threw the screaming Hanna on his shoulder.

I made to chase after them, but Jack waved his wand yet again and my feet stuck to the floor. I couldn’t follow them. I couldn’t through a spell at them. I looked over at the unconscious bodies of Robbie and Gregory. None of us could do anything, which meant that she was gone. Hanna was gone.

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