Chapter 17 : Bella

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“So, is your mum as bad as you thought she was?” I asked Hanna when she came over the day after Christmas. She looked happier than when I left her at King’s Cross. She had some sort of glow about her that I had never seen, even when she started dating Draco.

She shook her head. “No, she’s really changed for the better. There’s no alcohol in the house anywhere, she remolded the house and got a new car. She also left her old job and now has a desk job. Can you believe it? She’s now a nine-to-five kind of woman!”

My mouth dropped. I didn’t think her mom would changed that much. It was a real shocker. I mean, Fiona even went as far as stealing money from her daughter! This was an extraordinary happening  in my best mate’s life. She’s never known a mother that was actually a mother, unlike my mom that is.

“How did she do it?” I asked, noticing how numb my butt was getting from sitting on the swing outside my house. It was damn cold outside.

A lopsided smile then appeared on her face. “Well, she tried to do it alone after I had left. It scared her into coming clean, so she tried that twelve step program with no success. A guardian angel then came to her. He helped her loose the alcohol and reminded her why she was sober. He’s the best thing that’s ever walked into our lives.”

“Our lives?” I raised an eyebrow up at her.

“Well, if it wasn’t for him, mum would’ve never come totally clean. He gave her a push in the right direction.”

“What’s his name?”

She licked her lips before replying. “Simon,” the name just made her whole face light up. Was it because he had save her mom’s life and repaired their relationship or was there more to it than that?

“He seems to make you happy,” I commented without her getting angry, which I thought was a plus.

She nodded. “He makes both of us happy. He’s really good with her, you know?”

“Is he going to…replace Draco?” I didn’t mean for it to come out like that, but it was already out there. Nothing could be done about it then.

She shrugged. “Who can tell the future? But I’m hoping that he won’t be. I love Draco with all my heart and I don’t want to lose him. Even if we do go separate ways, I don’t want to lose him. He’s become a big part of my life. One that I thought would never happen. You know?”

I nodded. I knew exactly what she meant. She’s always expressed to me about how worried that she would end up like her mom, pregnant and man-less. I always told her that would never happen, but then she got with Robbie, and he used that fear to his advantage. It was hard to watch, but I had to let her make her own mistakes. I thought Draco was just the breaking point, but just thinking about what he did made me wanna beat the hell out of him.

“So, I don’t know what I want. I want to be with Draco, but I want to see Simon more. What do I do, Bells?” her eyes pleaded with me, but I didn’t know what to do. I had never been in that position. I opened my mouth to say something, but a rather handsome blonde guy walked up to us.

“Hey, Hanna. What are you up to?” the guy asked, looking oddly at me. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m new to the neighborhood. Well, not really new, but I’ve never seen you here before. I’m Simon Livingston. I just moved in across the street from Hanna and her mum.”

“I’m Bella Bolyard,” I said, shaking his hand. “I heard what you did for Fiona and Hanna. That was so nice of you. You must be a very kind and caring person. Well at the very least, a very patient person.”

He smirked. “Well, I am a very patient man.”

His eyes then moved to behind me, and I just had to turn to look at what he saw, which just happened to be my boyfriend running down the hill. He was such a nutter, but I loved him so damn much, too much probably. After slipping and sliding his way down to me, he grabbed me up and planted a very passionate kiss on me.

“You know that I love you, right? That I had no say so in the matter, and that I want no one but you, okay?” he looked on the verge of tears.

I laid my hand on the side of his face. “Blaise,” I whispered.

“We should go,” Simon said to Hanna from behind us.

I didn’t look to watch them go though. I wasn’t going to look from my love when he was hurting. I mean, this guy loved me for all that I am. Everything that was underneath, he loved every bit of it. He was the good guy; I was the bad girl. Usually it’s the opposite way around. If I’m moody and overdramatic, he knew exactly how to handle me. If you remember that night when Draco broke up with Hanna, you know what I’m talking about. I’ve shown my insecurities and even cried in front of him, which opened up a whole other side of him that I never knew about. His dark side; his deatheating side. I accepted him warts and all because he accepted me just the same. He was always there when I needed him, so I was going to be there for him now. No matter what happened, we would get through it.

“Blaise, what is it?”

He looked me in the eyes a moment before answering. “I wish you were the one I had to walk down the aisle to in June, but no, it has to be that bitch Pansy.”

I didn’t think that I had heard him right. He had just told me that he was marrying Pansy. How could he?! I mean, couldn’t he have some say so in who he married? If he had to be married in June, I would jump at the opportunity! He wouldn’t need to ask me twice. But no, he had to marry Pansy. So, I did what any sane girl would do in my position: I headbutted him. Hey, my hands couldn’t have done better, and surely, would’ve had him let go of me any faster.

“What the hell, Bella? I thought you would understand!” he shouted, hands on his head.

“Well, apparently, I don’t. Would you be so nice and elaborate on why you have to marry that whore?” I placed my hand on my hip. “Now would be a great time, so on with it.”

“You know what I am. You know that there are certain obligations that come with it, such as marriage. I have to marry into a proper family. It comes with the territory; I just didn’t know it at the time.”

“And what? You couldn’t look in the instruction manual a little ahead of time so that way you could warn your girlfriend before the shit hit the fan!”

“Look, I know you’re angry-“

“I’m more than angry,” I interrupted him. “I’m pissed. I’m beyond pissed, Blaise. The question is: should I be beating your ass or someone else’s? Because I don’t waste my time on two timers, and I sure as hell don’t waste my time on whores. So, which is it? Because either way, someone is getting their face pounded in!”

“Calm down, Bells-“

“I will not! And don’t call me that, you have lost that privilege.”

That’s when he grabbed me and planted yet another kiss on me. It melted all my anger away and reminded me that I loved this man. I didn’t know the whole story and I was jumping to conclusions. Still, I was mad as hell about it, but I gained some clarity.

“Now that you’re all calm, I’ll tell you the whole thing,” he then paused. “It’s all Jack’s and Helen’s fault,” he automatically spelt. “They chose who I was to marry, and they got their wish. I’m not going through with it though. I’m going to tell them about us-“

“And what good would that do?” I asked, pushing myself away from him. “I’m muggleborn, Blaise. Your parents will never accept me. Your boss would never accept me. You could be killed or worse. No, don’t be all noble and manly, just be a puss and keep your mouth shut. It would do you a lot of good, but I’m sure you know that already from all the years of silence.”

He laughed and pulled me close. “You know me all too well. That’s why you’re perfect for me. I love you.”

“I love you too,” I said before kissing him again. “Seriously, I should pound your mum and dad’s faces in. That would be a hoot. Besides, they deserve it for pushing all this on you.”

He laughed again. “This is why I love you.”

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