Chapter 28 : Pansy

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I frowned with I heard the explosion. I had been with Rob at the time, but I knew of Draco’s plan. I wanted to get in every possible second with him before he had put his plan into motion. I, however, opted out of my part of the plan. I didn’t want to be a deatheater anymore. I only wanted to be where I could be with Rob. He was all that I had, and I wasn’t going to let him go.

“Shit,” I swore, pulling away from the kiss that I had wanted to keep going. “He started early.”

“You know what that was?” He asked me as I pulled my wand from my pony tail, where I had stuck it so I didn’t have to be uncomfortable as I made out with Rob on my bed.

“Unfortunately, yes,” I sighed and jumped off the bed. “We need to get moving. You need to make your way to the Room of Requirement. I have to go join them.”

“Wait! Why must we be separated?” he had caught me by my arm. “Why do you have to join them at all?”

“You know what I am, and that’s what’s out there. You could be hurt because you’re a blood traitor. I am technically now, but they don’t know that. I’ll be safe. You need to go to where you’ll be safe. Now, don’t question me anymore,” I kissed him one more time. “I love you,” I said before running off into the castle.

I found most of the deatheaters in the Great Hall, where they were battling with the Order of the Phoenix. I saw Bellatrix Lestrange pass me, so I followed her. She would be going where Draco was, and I had a feeling that that was the place that I needed to be. Sure enough, we found him in the Astronomy tower with his wand pointed at Dumbledore. I swallowed hard and held back some tears. I knew what his mission had been, but I didn’t think that I had to be the one to witness him do it.

“Do it, Draco,” Belletrix coaxed him. “Do it now!”

Draco’s hand shook. He didn’t want to do it. He was not a killer; he was just a kid. A kid that didn’t need to be pushed into it on the first place, same with Blaise and I. None of us were ready for any of the tasks that he needed to be done. It wasn’t fair to us. It wasn’t fair at all. I then felt a presence on the other side of me. Snape was standing beside me, taking in the sight. He stepped towards Draco and Dumbledore, raising his wand.

“Pkease, Severus,” Dumbledore murmured.

“Adva Kadavra!” Snape said the incantation and the green light was all I could see for the next few moments.

I didn’t have time to take in the fact that Dumbledore was now dead because I was being dragged out of the tower by Draco. We were running from the scene that he had caused. I looked over at him and saw tears glistening his face. He still hadn’t let go of me. Blaise joined us shortly after on my other side and grabbed my other arm. What was going on? We had made it outside and half way down the hill before Snape turned and motioned us on. We ran all the way down to the gate where the other deatheaters were letting us out.

“You know where to go!” one of them yelled at us.

I wasn’t the one who apparated us. I didn’t even have time to think where we were even supposed to go. I just know what when we all three landed in a huge heap on some kind of grass that wasn’t familiar to me that we had not gone to the place where we were wanted at. They had something up their sleeves and had taken me along for the ride.

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