Chapter 32: Blaise

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Draco and I had wanted to get back to his parents’ house by seven, but we couldn’t leave until Pansy was ready. I was slightly annoyed by how long it took her to get ready when we all got up at the same time. Why was did it take her so bloody long?

“Can’t we just leave without her?” I asked Draco.

He shook his head. “No, Blaise. We need her for our alibi. We can’t leave her no matter how much we want to.”

“We shouldn’t have brought her in the first place,” I complained.

He nodded.  “I know, but I couldn’t let her just stand there up in the Astronomy tower like an idot and get killed. Now, could I? She wouldn’t move unless I was pulling her, so she sort of had to come along with us.”

I shook my head. “She is a bloody idiot. I don’t want to be killed for her sake, mate. I was doing this for you.” I was getting highly annoyed.

“I know, mate,” he got up and pounded on the bathroom door. “Hurry it up, Pansy. We need to get out of here before they suspect something.”

“I’m almost done,” she called from the other side.

“That’s what she said an hour ago,” I said, looking at the clock.

He nodded. “I know.”

Just then she came out of the bathroom not looking too much different from when she woke up that morning. Draco and I grabbed her as soon as she grabbed her things and apparated from the room to outside of the Malfoy Mansion. We went through the gate to find people waiting for us in the entrance hall.

“Blaise, where have you been?” my father asked me as soon as I was through the door.

“We got a bit lost,” I shrugged.

“Lost?” My mother asked. “How do you get lost?”

“My mind wasn’t clear when we apparated, and it took us a while to figure out what happened,” I explained.

“We didn’t have any energy left to apparate back, so we cleaned up and rested until one of us had enough strength to apparate us back,” Pansy took over for me.

“Draco,” his father stepped out from the crowd of deatheaters present. “You have failed this family for the last time. I would punish you, but our Lord has something else in mind. He would like to see you in the dining room right this moment. He’s been waiting.”

Draco looked at me with fear in his eyes. I felt for him as he walked away from all of us to his doom. I hoped that it wouldn’t be that bad. I wanted to go for him, but that wasn’t possible. It really wasn’t anything that I should be even thinking about.

“You know,” my father chuckled. “I saw that Bolyard girl at Hogwarts. She has grown into such a pretty little thing,” he said, approaching me. “Perhaps if she wasn’t a mudblood-“

He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence because I punched him right in the face. I didn’t have time to think about what I had just done. I had to think about what my next move was because I was definitely not in the good having just punched my own father. I grabbed Panay’s hand, and we dashed out the door together.

“Pansy, come back here!” yelled her father from behind us.

“No!” she yelled back as we made our way to the gate as spells flew at us.

We got outside the gate. We were able to apparate, and I did. I know it wasn’t a good idea, but I had no idea where else we could possibly go. I hadn’t let go of Pansy’s hand as we made our way up the hill towards the castle that we both called our home.

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