Chapter 31 : Robbie

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I awoke to find Bella looking down at me, tears cascading down her face onto my lips. Her tears tasted very salty and jolted me more awake. I cracked my eyes opened just a little to look at her properly. She made quick to wipe the tears away, but it was no use. I had already seen them.

“Bella, what happened?” I asked, sitting up in the bed I was in, and with one look around, I could tell that I was in the hospital wing. “The last thing I remembered was running towards the Room of Requirement with Hanna. What happened, Bella?”

“You were knocked unconscious. Madame Pomfrey says that you were hit with a massive stunning spell that hit you right in the back. Are you sore at all?” she asked, putting her hand on my arm.

I was a tad bit sore in my lower back but that didn’t matter. “Yes, but I’m fine. What happened, Bella?” I then looked around. I didn’t see Hanna or Gregory around anywhere. “Where are Hanna and Greg?”

Her sobbing got worse. “I tried to stop them, but I was pushed up against the wall by one named Jack who said I was his neighbor. He called me a nasty mudblood before saying that I was pretty and that he would take me with him but then decided against it. He let me go as soon as my wand was out of reach and told the other man to grab for Hanna. I yelled at them, but Jack silence me. I started running to them to perhaps stop them physically, but he froze my feet to the floor. I couldn’t move. You and Gregory were passed out on the floor….” She trailed off and started sobbing even harder.

“Hanna’s gone?” I breathed. “They took her!”

She nodded. “I tried, but they took her.”

I couldn’t believe that I had failed her and Hanna both. It was all my fault that Hanna was taken away. It was all my fault, all my grievous fault. Who knew if we would ever see her again? I had passed out so easily, while they were stuck to deal with the deatheaters all on their lonesome.

“Where’s Greg? Isn’t he supposed to be in here too?” I asked, suddenly getting nervous.

She shook her head. “Robbie, they used a different spell on him. They didn’t stun him…”

Tears pricked my eye. I knew where she was going with it, and I didn’t want to hear it. Even though Greg had distanced himself away from me towards the end of term, I still felt that he was my best mate. I should’ve protected them all. How could I have let anyone hurt any of my most cherished friends? I took a breath in as she spoke the words I feared she would.

“Gregory died, Robbie.”

 “Sweetheart,” she said, pulling away. “Go down to the dining room. Now.”

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