Diamond Girl (Maxx Danziger) - Part 3

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Maxx's POV; Six months later

Maxx walked into your apartment early one Friday afternoon, wanting to hang out before seeing if you'd rather go out to dinner that day instead of staying in. He heard you moving around in your bedroom, but he didn't call out for you, hearing you talking to yourself.

"Hey, guys! I'm back!" you sang excitedly, "I thought about what I wanted to cover today and, I'm not gonna lie, I thought about doing a comeback song. But that would have been too obvious and as we all know, I like to keep you guys wondering what's coming next." You winked before moving on. "Anyway, in case you haven't watched the video I posted before I went on break, I'll give you a little run-down. I used to date this guy, some really unfortunate things happened, I'm not dating him anymore. That's it, we're done talking about it, we'll save all that for another video on my other channel. However, for this week's video, I've been thinking about doing this for a while now and I don't know why I haven't sung this yet, but now I am so it's fine. I don't know why I'm building up suspense – you already know what it is because it's in the title-" You laughed lightly to yourself. "-but I've been thinking about this song a lot more in the past few months, so... Yeah! Let's just get into it!"

Maxx couldn't help but wonder what song you'd picked – obviously not having asked anyone since even he didn't know you were planning on filming today. And when he realized what you were singing, he couldn't stop his heart from racing.

My hands, your hands tied up like two ships
Drifting weightless, waves try to break it
I'd do anything to save it
Why is it so hard to say it?

My heart, your heart sit tight like book ends
Pages between us written with no end
So many words we're not saying
Don't wanna wait 'til it's gone
You make me strong

I'm sorry if I say I need you
But I don't care, I'm not scared of love
Cause when I'm not with you, I'm weaker
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong that you make me strong?

Think of how much love that's been wasted
People always try to escape it
Move on to stop their heart breaking
But there's nothing I'm running from
You make me strong

I'm sorry if I say I need you
But I don't care, I'm not scared of love
Cause when I'm not with you, I'm weaker
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong?

So, baby, hold on to my heart
Need you to keep me from falling apart
I'll always hold on
Cause you make me strong

I'm sorry if I say I need you
But I don't care, I'm not scared of love
Cause when I'm not with you, I'm weaker
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong?

I'm sorry if I say I need you
But I don't care, I'm not scared of love
Cause when I'm not with you, I'm weaker
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong that you make me strong?

I'm sorry if I say I need you
But I don't care, I'm not scared of love
Cause when I'm not with you, I'm weaker
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong that you make me strong?

"So, yeah!" you chirped once you finished playing your guitar, "That was my comeback cover! I really hope you guys liked it, and I hope you're as happy as I am that I'm finally back! I've got a super special one coming next week – not to spoil it or anything, but I might have a super special guest come in and help me out with it." You smiled brightly, leading into the typical YouTuber finishing lines. "Please don't forget to like this video if you liked it, subscribe if you want to see more, and leave a comment with songs you think I should do next! I love you guys so much and I will see you next week!"

Maxx didn't know if it was just him psyching himself out, but he couldn't help but feel like the cover choice was referencing him. He quickly shook it off though as he heard you get up and put your guitar back on its stand. He didn't want to get his hopes up and mention it to you only to have you tell him you didn't like him in that way.

He listened to you take the memory card out of your camera and grab your laptop so you could head to the living room and watch TV while you edited your video. He didn't want you to know he'd been listening that whole time, so he went into your kitchen to get a drink.

"Hey!" Maxx heard your voice behind him, turning to see a smile on your face as you came out of the hallway, "When did you get here?"

"Couple minutes ago," he shrugged, "Heard you talking and figured you were closing out a video, so I thought I wouldn't bother you yet. Back to making videos again, huh? What were you singing?"

"Yeah," you nodded, "I miss it too much to keep away any longer. And I guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out." You winked teasingly, turning on your heels and heading into your living room.

"Oh, come on!" he laughed, following you and plopping down onto the couch beside you, "I promise I won't tweet about it!"

"If I agree to that, I'm still subjected to it being put on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr – you could put it on MySpace for all I know!"

"Be realistic, Y/N – who uses MySpace anymore?" he joked, poking your side to make you giggle. You shoved his hand away from you, putting your laptop on the coffee table, wanting to take a small break before editing.

"I'm sure there are a handful of people who still use it!" you defended your argument, "And not just other YouTubers who only log in again to do those 'reacting to old MySpace photos' videos!" Maxx grinned again and you both sat in silence for a moment before you reached over him to get your remote.

As you were flipping through the channels to find something to watch, Maxx spoke again.

"So who's your 'super special guest' for next week you were talking about?" he asked you.

"Right!" you exclaimed, "Well, it's a duet and I was actually gonna ask you if you would sing it with me... But you don't have to! It's okay if you say no! I can redo the outro! You don't have to-"

"What song is it?"

"Why Don't You Love Me by Hot Chelle Rae and Demi Lovato," you replied shyly, "I've been promising that one for the longest time now and... Well, obviously, I've had to push it off to the side now since... You know... But I really want to do that song – I just don't think it would work well if I did it by myself... But if you don't want to, that's totally cool!" you said quickly, "I'll just find someone else or I can make it work as a solo or I just won't do it at all! I don't want you to feel like you have to just because I already said it in the intro! I can refilm it so I don't mention it at a-"

"Y/N," Maxx chuckled, finally cutting off your rambling, "Of course I'll sing with you."

"Really?" you were wide-eyed – a little surprised he'd actually agreed, to be honest.

"Yeah!" he grinned, "We sing together all the time already anyway. Why not do it for your channel?"

"Thank you," you breathed, turning your body so you could hug him. The arm closest to you went around your waist, giving you a one-armed hug in return.

"Hey, I'd do anything for you, remember?" he mentioned.

"Yeah, except bring Pistol with you," you pouted, "I miss her." He couldn't help but laugh loudly.

"How about I bring her next week when we film that cover?" he suggested.

"And you'll stay the night and we can have a sleepover?" you asked hopefully, "And we'll order pizza and watch movies and-"

"Yes," he grinned as he shook his head – your tendency to ramble was always endearing to him, "We can do all of that stuff." You finally caught your breath, moving your arms to wrap around his waist while you buried your face in his shoulder.

"Love you, Maxx," you mumbled into the fabric of his shirt. You heard him breathe in before his arm went around your shoulders and his lips hit the top of your head.

"Love you too, Y/N," he whispered into your hair.


inspiration: "Diamond Girl" by Set It Off
song used: "Strong" by One Direction

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