Chapter 23

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Author's note: I know most of you don't read this but still. In the last 48 hours some lives changed around me drastically. I lost someone I knew, someone lost the love of their life. we don't realize anything's importance unless we have lost it. please appreciate the things you have and the people who love you. And please follow the traffic rules.

Chapter 23

Life is not always about flowers and chocolates and some learn this the hard way. Chris is one of them. He wouldn't have in his wildest dreams thought of losing all his life in minutes or hours that too when his family was finally stepping into the world of their happiness.

I know I am lucky I have such loving and supporting parents. They would do anything to make me happy and support me in whatever I do. I have always cherished this but somewhere in life we all start taking things for granted. We stop appreciating others and their love for us and when we lose their presence we realize our faults. I don't want to be the one sitting and thinking 'what if I would have appreciated my mom's cooking more' or 'what if I would have played some video games with my dad or simply hung out with him', I really don't want to be the one doing the what if analysis.

So here's what I am going to do. I am going to go downstairs and hug my mom and tell her how much I love her, sit with my dad and watch some highlights of a football match and call my two stupid best friends over and hang out with them.

I called up Sarah and her cheery voice greeted me from the other side.

"What's up girlfriend?" she said.

"Hey." I said my voice sounding raspy and tired.

"Iris? What's wrong?" Sarah sounded a bit worried.

"Nothing's wrong. Just want to hang out with you guys. Can you come over?"

"Yeah sure. Be there in an hour."

"Bring Jake along."

"Okay." She said and hung up.

I padded downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen making a sandwich. I walked to her and hugged her from the back.

"Hey honey. You okay?" she asked.

"Yes mom." I engulfed her essence which automatically calmed me down.

"What's wrong?" she asked now turning to face me.

"Nothing's wrong mom. I just realized I haven't spent enough time with you and dad these past few days."

"Oh honey! I am sorry we left you and went to meet Rob but we didn't want you to miss your classes."

"That's okay mom. How about we go out for dinner tonight? The three of us?" I asked.

"That would be great." She beamed.

"What would be great?" my dad asked entering the kitchen.

"We are going out for dinner tonight." My mom said.

"Oh. Okay. Great." My dad said and kissed my mom. Okay I really want to spend some quality time with my parents but I am not going to witness them make out. Ewwww.

"I am going to watch some TV and mom, Jake and Sarah are coming to hang out." I said but they paid no attention. I rolled my eyes at them and left.

The door bell rang after a few minutes announcing my friends' arrival. Both of them have a key to my house. I don't know why they even bother ringing the bell.

After realizing none of us is going to get up from the couch and open the door, they used the key to get inside.

Jake slouched beside me on the couch.

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