Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

After the emotional bff talk , I dragged Jake downstairs with me who was in a slightly better mood and when I said slightly I meant scowling and groaning at Sarah every five seconds. 

"Hey Jake pass me the Oj please." Sarah said  to him.

"Why? So you can suck life out of that bottle too?"

"Ummm.. No. 'cause I am thirsty. Now pass the bottle Mr-I-woke-up-on-the-wrong-side."

Jake muttered something under his breath but passed the Oj to Sarah who in return stuck out her tongue. Chris and I  watched the show silently stuffing ourselves.

"I'm going to take a shower." Sarah declared standing up.

"Great idea. Your stinking smell was suffocating me." Jake said.

"Yeah? You know who was stinking last night?"  Sarah asked.

"Last night? What happened last night? You remember?" Jake asked eagerly standing up as well.

Sarah froze on her spot like someone poured an ice water bucket over her. Aha.. Someone remembers last night.

"Well?" Jake pressed her.

"N..No.. I don't remember last night. But I surely do remember a garbage bag laying beside me or was it you?" She said and   before Jake could come up with a come back, she left. Jake stood their with his mouth open then sniffed under his arms..

"I do need a shower." He said and left.

And that left me with my shirtless teacher sitting beside me.

"Well... That was a happy start of the day." I said. Now I need to have a girl to girl talk with Sarah. This is why your two best friends should never make out. You become the rope in their tug of war

"Yeah. A little too happy for me. Next time try to keep it a notch down."  Chris said with his mouth full. So disgusting but still looks so cute on him.

"Yeah? How about I make you some bed breakfast? Would that bring a smile on your face sir?"

"I was just expecting a bed tea but that would do."

"There is not going to be a next time. Now find your shirt and leave my house. There's no extra class today so no you."

"I liked drunk Iris. Can't you be like that all the time?" He said pouting.

"Would you like to see Kung-fu Iris?"  I asked folding my hands in front trying really hard to resist his adorable puppy dog. Why this man has to be so darn cute?

"We should keep it for the next time or better for never."

"Great choice. Now leave."

"I don't understand your mood swings at all. You were all sweet and caring last night then grumpy and sarcastic in the morning."

"May be if you stop iritating the life out of me and get out of my house I would stop being a bitch to you." I said exasperately.

Chris sighed and walked out of the kitchen. Finally, he decided to leave. He walked to the drawing and jumped on the couch,burrying his face in the cushions.

"Then I guess you would never stop being a bitch to me." He said lifting his head from the pillows.

A groan left my mouth. I stomped my feet on the ground and went upstairs to my room. What did I do to deserve all this God? I entered my room where Jake was standing, his manly parts covered only with a towel.

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