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Author's note- This is short I know but it's difficult to keep up with all the classes. Also I havn't re-read it so expect error.

Chapter 22

Chris' POV

After grabbing some ice cream for Nathalie and her fluffy brown teddy which ofcourse is going to my sister's tummy, we headed back to the hospital room. I offered to buy some for Iris as well but she refused. The smell is making her nauseous and I couldn't disagree with her. You would think after coming here for more than six months I would be used to the gagging smell by now. I might be able to tolerate it enough to sit here and play with Nats but I cannot eat anything without throwing up.

Nathalie was still sitting on her bed watching the movie. She looked so adorable. She is going to look so much like our mother when she grows up. We inherited the same ocean blue eyes of our mother. 

"Hey Nathalie. We brought ice creams." I announced. She clapped her hands and I hoped she would run to me to get her ice creams. My stomach knotted at the thought. One day Chris.. She is going to walk and run like normal children. I would do anything for that. She is getting the best possible treatment.

"Thank you." She said and snatched the packet from me.

Iris chuckled beside me reminding me of her presence. My lips curved up in a smile as I looked at her. This  girl is beyond amazing. If it would have been someone else, they would be running away screaming bloody murder. And here she is. Standing right beside me and I guess she isn't leaving near time. Atleast I hope so. 

Iris ducked her head when she caught me staring, her face flushed. I couldn't help smirking. She looks so adorable blushing. Jesus. What is this girl doing to me? It has been only a week and I am completely smitten.

Who am I kidding, she has me wrapped around her little finger since we were kids and after all these years, she has grown up to be a beautiful person. She is crazy. She does all the stupid things. She is loud and brave and yet she loves staying in her room and reading books instead of partying. She loves her food and sleep like hell. And her dancing, don't even get me started on that. The way she moves gracefully and flawlessly on the floor, she is amazing. She is witty and smart and always ready with a comeback. Most of all, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.

"What are you thinking?" She asked tilting her head to the right.

"You." I responded without thinking. She gasped.

"Oh." She responded, her lips forming an 'O', her eyes slightly wide and cheeks flushed from my previous remark. I eyed her parted lips and imagined what it would feel like to taste them and right now I could give up anything to find out.

"W-what about me?" She sturterred.

Instead of replying, I stepped closer to her. Our faces only an inch apart. Her breathing fanned my face making me lean closer. I brushed my knuckles on her left cheek and tugged her hair behind her ear. My fingers lingered on her face. Her eyes bulged out of their sockets, her breathing hitched.

"Thank you." I whishpered. Iris looked at me confused and waited for me to continue.

"Breathe Iris."  I said and stepped back. My body protested for the sudden lack of heat. Damn it girl what are you doing to me.

What is this uneasy feeling fluttering in my stomach making me all warm and happy and confused at same time and why is my heart racing so fast. I am acting like a high school teenager in love.

"Iris. Come watch frozen with me." My little sister's loud and giddy voice echoed through the room breaking down the silence between us. Iris tilted her head slightly to look at Nathalie then turning back at me she smiled and then walked towards my sister. She sat beside her and they continued watching the movie.

Iris was tickling Nathalie and their laughter ringed through the room. Iris' melodic voice made my heart jump and do a back flip and right then I knew I would do anything to hear that laughter. I would go to the end of the world to protect this girl and make her happy.

Here it goes. I have admitted to myself. I like Iris James Parker. Heck I am helplessly falling for her charms and even her stupidity. And there's no going back now.

Iris' POV

The drive back from the hospital was very....weired. I was still trying to digest all the news. So much happened since last night. Mr. Williams told me the truth about his past. Our parents being friends. The accident and Nathalie. She is so adorable and pretty. I hope she recovers soon.

I caught Chris peeking glances at me from the side. A small smile rested on his full lips making him look like a runway model. Looking at him smile made me smile louder.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked me raising one eyebrow, his tone playful.

"You tell me."

" I am just happy I told you everything. There are no more secrets between us anymore and I saw Nats laughing like that after a long time. Thank you for that Iris." He said looking at me directly in the eyes and flashing his perfect smile. I am sure my heart skipped a beat.

"I...I did nothing and she is an adorable girl." I stammered. "I would like to come again, if you don't mind?" I asked.

"Ofcourse you can and Nathalie really likes you." He said and my lips stretched into a smile.

Chris parked outside my house and got out of the car. He ran over to my side to open the door for me. I couldn't help the blush creeping on my cheeks.

"Thank you." I murmered and got out of the car. I walked inside my house with Chris trailing beside me.

My parents were sitting in the drawing. How come they are home at this time?

"Hey mom. Dad. Why are you guys not at work?" I asked as I sat on the couch. Chris greeted my parents and sat beside me, our legs touching.
I felt a tingling sensation inside me as his legs rubbed against my skin.

"Hey kiddo. Hi Chris." My mom said.

"We decided to stay home today. Are you okay Iris. We figured Chris told you everything and we wanted to be here if you needed us." My dad said.

"Thank you dad. I am okay." I said getting up and hugging them tightly.

"We are sorry for keeping it from you Iris but we had to respect Chris' decision." My mother said looking guilty.

"It's okay mom. I understand and I am fine. Really." I said and smiled. I mother finally let go of me.

" I am going to get changed. This dress is not comfortable at all." I said.

"Okay honey." My mother said then turned her attention to Chris. "Would you like to stay for dinner Chris?"

"Umm.  Thanks Katie but I will pass this time. I am tired and I am sure Iris needs some time to think about...everything." He said looking at me.

"Oh okay." My mother said pouting. See, he has my mother charmed as well.

Chris stood up from his spot to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow Iris." He said and  left. My heart sunk. I actually hoped for him to stay. This is new. I never thought I would willingly want to spend time with my devil of a teacher.

Why do I want to go after him and ask him to stay? This surely doesn't make sense. Then why do all of a sudden I feel.... I don't know what am I feeling, may be alone?

I sighed and shrugged the thought away and headed to my room.


So Chris finally realises his feelings for Iris. What do you think he is gonna do?

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