Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The warm sun rays fell upon my face.I groaned and ducked my head deeper into the pillow.

Someone shook me by my arm. I pulled the blanket over not opening my eyes even for a second.

Now that someone started shaking me harder.

"Iris. Wake up."

"Go away." I mummbled in sleep.

"Iris. We would be late for class." I now recognised the annoying voice.

"Go die."

She chuckled.

"Wake up, you have thirty minutes."

I ignored her and drifted off to sleep again. But my peaceful slumber was short lived.

I sat up at once startled. My eyes grew wide with shock. Did she just..


She poured freezing water over me. I stared at her in complete disbelief and she was laughing out loud.

I stood up and pounced towards her. I'm going to kill her. She screamed and ran towards the door and locked the door from outside.

"Sarah! Come back in here so I can kick your ass." I said banging on the door.

"You have twenty minutes now." She said in between laughter.

I'll see her later. I got ready for the class quickly seeing I had no choice. Couldn't he just shift the timing to evening. This is so stupid, waking up so early during vacations. He is stupid. I want to slap his handsome face.

After getting ready, we left Sarah's house and decided to walk instead of driving. Well she literally dragged me. We reached our destination just in time.

"Morning Girls." Chris said in his cheerful voice. How can he be so happy at seven thirty in the morning. That's just annoyingly insane.

"Morning Mr.Williams." Sarah replied flashing her perfect smile that make guys swoon and drop on their knees.

I on the other hand just ignored him and went to my seat. Just get the stupid class over with so I can leave.

I was scribbling on my notebook. My eyes flickered from the board to him. His aura intimated the room holding everyone's attention, every eye on him as a spoke. His messy hair fell upon his forehead which he brushed away with his fingers. A small dimple appeared on his left cheek when he smiled lightly. His deep velvety voice held everyone's attention. His eyes landed on me and he caught me staring. Heat rose up to my cheeks and I ducked my head.

Finally the class ended. I quickly packed my bag, ready to leave. I'll finally be alone in my room. No Sarah . No Jake or Sam or his douchebag of a brother.

"Iris?" He stopped me once again before I could leave the class. I don't want to talk to him. He is a stupid teacher. Well a sexy stupid teacher.

"Iris?" He called for me again.

I sighed.

"Yes Mr.Williams?" I glared at him.

He flinched. Or did I just imagine that? My mind has gone crazy. That weird pink drink from last night has seriously gotten into my head.

"Can you wait a bit? I need to talk to you."

"Okay." I said reluctantly. I really don't want to talk to him right now or be with him alone in a room.

I waited till everyone left.

"Are you alright?" He asked looking at me with concern.

"Umm.. yeah. I'm fine."

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