Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My phone went off for the fifth time. I groaned and searched for it with my hand,my head still burried in  the pillow inside the blanket.

"Hello." I answered in a sleepy voice. "Whoever you are,you better have a good reason for waking me up."

"I can't believe you are still sleeping. Get your cute little ass out of the bed and get ready. We are getting late for the class."  Sarah, my best friend since play school barked from the other side.

Class? What class? Isn't it summer?

"What class?" I asked in a croaky voice.

"What class... IRIS JAMES PARKER you have to attend your Calculus tuitions in thirty  minutes."

"What! It starts today? Damn it. Why didn't you wake me up earlier Sarah."

"I've been calling you since six missy. Now get up. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." She replied and I can completely imagine her rolling her eyes right now. Perks of being friends since diaper days.

"Fine. I'll be ready." I replied and disconnected the call. A yawn escaped my mouth as I stretched my hands above my head. God I just hate mornings.

I sliped off the bed and rushed to the bathroom. I took the quickest shower possible and got dressed up in a pair of  jeans and tan top.

Let me introduce myself. I'm Iris James Parker, seventeen and in my senior year. A straight A-student of River High School.

You think I'm a nerd? You wish.  I'm everything but a geek.  I'm the captain of the dance club and the head cheer leader of River High.

I still manage to get straight As in all the subjects. You could say I am naturally talented. I don't need to gauge my eyes for hours with a book. I am Well except in case of Calculus. I suck at the subject. Like almost failing the subject 'suck'. So now I really have to work on it because if I fail I can't go to my dream university. I really want to get into the New York University. That's my dream since I could remember and if I fail I could just say goodbye to it which  I am not going to let happen.

Now you get why I have to  drag myself out of bed-my heaven- at seven in the morning.  I have to take Math tuitions to gear up my grades but who teaches at seven in the morning.

Ughhh. Stupid teacher.

"Iris, Sarah's here."

My mom called from downstairs.

I grabbed my bag and phone and hurried off to downstairs.

"Bye mom." I said kissing her on the cheek and left.

"You got us late on the first day." Sarah said the moment she laid eyes on me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning to you to sunshine and be glad I saved you from the stupid lecture that every teacher gives on the first day." I said.

"I don't understand how you top all the classes."

"I like them that's how."

"And Calculus?" She asked raising an eyebrow.


We burst out laughing.

"How does the teacher look? I mean is he some wierdo who talks about his cat or sits with a frown all the time?" I asked her. I've never met him  .My dad just enrolled me and Sarah in the class so, I hope he is not some crincky old man.

"I don't know either. I hope he is hot. Atleast that will make my summer a little interesting." She said and I rolled my eyes at her. Sarah unlike me is good at Calculus. She is just doing this tutoring thing to support me.

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