Chapter 16

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Author's note: It's short and unedited so there might be some  erors. Happy reading.

Chapter 16

I expected my friends to walk down hand in hand and smiling like love sick puppies. Christ! How wrong was I. Somethings never change.

"Get away." Sarah groaned pushing Jake away as they stepped down the stairs.

"No you get away." Jake pushed her back.

"Here we go again." Chris murmered beside me.

"Guys stop it! You're going to fall off the stairs." I said and just then Jake's foot slipped and he landed on the floor with his head hitting the surface.

"Jake!" I shrieked and rushed towards him, Chris following me. I bent down beside him and shook him by his shoulder.

"Jake?" I called again. No response.

"Is he dead?" Sarah asked now kneeling beside me. I glared at her.

"You wish." Jake groaned and I heaved a sigh of relief. He tried to get up and sit rubbing the back of his head with his hands.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I guess so?"

"I think we should take him to the hospital." Chris suggested. Atleast there is one responisble person in here. I nodded my head and helped Jake standing up.

"I don't think I need a doctor." Jake said still rubbing the spot at the back of his head.

"Don't listen to him. He hit his head. Doesn't know what is he saying." Sarah said earning a glare from Jake. I sighed and left the room to grab my keys with Chris tugging behind me, Jake and Sarah following. I locked the door after me and walked to my car.

"Let me drive." Chris said or more like demanded.

"No." I said.

"Yes. Give me the keys."

"No." I said. Chris glared at me and I stared back. Neither of us blinking.

"Hello! Patient sitting in the back seat." Jake shouted waving his hand.

"Get in the car or keep standing here." I said to Chris. He sighed and walked to the passanger seat. I got inside the car as well with a victory smile plastered on my face.

The drive to the hospital was  annoying as hell with Sarah making stupid remarks and Jake groaning, not to mention my idiotic teacher sitting beside me making cruel remarks about my driving.

"Okay everyone. Shut up or I'll kick you all out of my car." Jesus. They are making me mad.

"But Iris!!! I am hurt." Jake said pouting.

"Yes and I'll kick you the hardest. Now shut up." I said and parked my car in the hospital's parking lot. I jumped out of the car immediately and took a long breathe. Jake and Sarah got out as well and started walking inside the hospital. I turned around to find Chris still sitting on his seat. He looked stressed and for once I thought he was scared of going inside the hospital.

"Aren't you coming in?" I asked him peeking through the window.

"Umm.. No. I.. I'll  just wait here." He stammered. Okay now this is really weird. First he insisted on coming here and now he doesn't want to go in? And what is he nervous about? This overly arrogant stubborn head of a man is scared of going inside a hospital?

"Why did you insist on coming then?" I asked raising one eyebrow.

"I just didn't want to stay back there alone."

"And now you are on a date with my car?"  This man is so confusing.

"Just go inside Iris." He sighed.

"Whatever." I huffed , turned around and walked inside. What is wrong with him? One minute he is fighting with me for coming along and now he doesn't want to come. Why did his face look so  pale?

I shrugged the thoughts away and joined my friends.

The doctor said that Jake was completely fine other than the small bump forming on his head which is looking really funny. He  might feel slightly dizzy though so we need to be a little cautious. The doctor kicked us out when Sarah kept on insisting to keep Jake in the hospital for a few days and that he hit his head pretty bad and is acting like a complete d*ick. Her words not mine.

Chris was no where to be found when we returned back and I wanted to leave him here. I know it's cruel and he has no ride back so I decided against it and waited for him.

Ten minutes and still no sign of Mr. Cocky.

"Call him." Sarah said.

"And why didn't you say that ten minutes earlier?" I asked annoyed at my stupidity. She simply shrugged her shoulders. I pulled my phone out of my jeans to call Chris when my eyes landed on him walking out of the hospital's front gate. What the hell? Why did he go inside when he didn't want when I asked him to?

Chris opened the car door and slid inside.  I stared at him expecting him to say something but he didn't.

"Where did you go?" I interogated.

"I went to look for you. You took long enough." He replied without even glancing at me. Why do I feel he is lying?

I opened my mouth to say something but Jake cut me off between.

"Iris! Take us to Mcdonalds."

"I am not your slave."

"But the doctor asked you guys to look after me." He pouted . I rolled my eyes and started driving.

"We'll just order something at  home." Sarah suggessted seeing my now sulking mood.

After reaching home I went straight to my bedroom. I need to get out of these tight jeans. Once I was in my comfortable shorts I walked down and slouched on the couch.

"We have ordered pizza. Mr Williams is paying." Jake said and Chris rolled his eyes at him but didn't protest. This guy must be loaded.

What does he do apart from part time teaching anyway? I know nothing about him and here he is sitting in my drawing room and eating my oreos. I snatched it from his hand and put it in my mouth. I waited for him to make some playful remark but none came.

He has been awfully quiet since we returned from the hospital. Where did he go anyway? Was he visiting someone? Even if he was, why would he want to hide. Who could it possibily be that Mr.Williams didn't want us to know about?

I stole a glance Chris who was sitting on the other side of the couch. He looked back at me and smiled. I turned my back to the television immediately and sighed.

I am just reading to much out of this. He must have gotten bored and came to look what was taking so long. I decided to let this go.

Sarah and Jake joined us and I need to talk to them to know what is going on between them. But that could wait. For now I just want to enjoy the pizza and the movie.

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