Chapter 14

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Author's note: Here is chapter 14. Enjoy.

Chapter 14

I groaned and pulled the cover over my head as the sun rays fell on my face dancing through the curtains. I burried my face deeper into the pillow and tried getting back to sleep. I would have to set a reminder to close my window at nights. Hold on. My window? When did I get to my room? I was at the party.....

I sat up abruptly looking around. Sure enough I was in my own room, in my own bed, with my own teacher. Everything is fine. Relax. Wait. WHAT? I double checked the other side of my bed and sure enough my teacher was lying there. Shirtless. His hair falling messily over his eyes, his mouth slightly open and his chest rising and falling in a rythem. He looked adorable like a lost puppy.

Stop checking him out Iris. He is in your bed. As soon as the realisation hit me, my first reaction was to scream. And I did.

"What? Where's the fire?" Chris sat up immediately hearing my scream and looked around, confused.

And my second instant reaction was to push him off the bed. Chris fell on the floor with a loud thud.He stared at me from the floor like I have grown two heads.

"What happened?" He asked still having no idea as to why I kicked him out of my bed.

"What are you doing in my bed?" I asked.

"I must have fallen asleep. I was tired."

"Yeah? Why in my bed then why not the guesst room?" I asked raising my voice slightly.

"You don't remember last night?" He asked .

Last night? Ofcourse I remember last night. We got drunk and danced in the pool and I had one of the best nights of my life. Well this doesn't show as to why am I in the same bed as my teacher. And then it hit me.

After getting my ass drunk and dancing like crazy for hours Chrish grabbed me and Sarah who was eating some boy's face and Jake ofcourse and brought us to my house. I don't actually get drunk but I was giggling like a moron at everything my teacher said and my best friend trying to jump out of the car and trying to fly wasn't helping either. After reaching home Chris tucked Jake and Sarah into the guest room's bed and followed me to my room.

"Go to sleep Iris." He said looking tired after taking care of three hormonic teenagers but still amused.

"Why can't I dance more! It was so much fun." I whinned.

"You can dance in the morning. Now go to sleep." He threw a t-shirt at me to get changed into. I started stripping off my clothes.

"Whoa Whoa! It's not like I mind Iris. You have an amazing body and all but go the bathroom and get changed." He said trying hard not to smile.

I giggled and went inside the bathroom to get rid of my sticky clothes. Chris was laying on my bed when I returned back and I slid onto the other side. I pulled the blanket over me.

"I should go downstairs and sleep on the couch." He said getting up from the bed.

"Stay." I mummbled..


"Stay. Sleep here. You won't fit in the couch."


"It's fine Chris. Just go to sleep." I said.

He climbed back into bed and pulled the blanket over us. The bed suddenly started feeling warmer and my eyelids felt heavier. I turned to face Chris who was staring back at me with a smile.

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