Chapter 7

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Author's note: As promised I updated and that too before Sunday. Yay. Please vote and comment. I really need the feedback to know where this story is going. Tell me if it's a complete crap.

Chapter 7

"Ahhh Jake. Move." I groaned in pain.

"I can't. Sarah move." Jake said pushing Sarah on the shoulder.

"One more push boy and you won't be able to move that little friend of yours again."  Sarah said pointing down at Jake.

Chrish snickered beside me.

"Whoa. Calm down woman."  Jake raised his hands in surrender.

After the show with Jake was over and Chrish was finally able to control his laughter the three of them decided to watch a movie and here I am crushed between two men and my best friend on a couch for three against my will and so badly that I cannot even breath.

"Iris stop fidgiting so much." Chrish said.

I glared at him. It was his bloody idea in the first place that I am stuck in between him and Jake. Annoyed, I elbowed him in the ribs,hard. 

Chrish groaned in pain.

"Stop moaning Mr. Williams. Iris go get a room." My ever so annoying best friend said.  And right now nothing can give me more pleasure than pulling her hair and kicking her out.

Except for the man beside you. My conscience said wiggling her eyebrows at me. I literally gagged at the thought.

That is just gross! He is my teacher, a damn hot one who smells of mint and chocolate but he is still older than me. How old is he anyway?May be in his mid twenties.

Why do I even care? It's none of my business. I shook my head to get the stupid thoughts out of my mind and focused back on  the TV.

"I'm going to make myself a sandwich."  I announced and struggled to get off the couch.

"I'll come with you." Chris offered.

"Umm. No. It's okay." I don't want to be around him more than I already have to. But seems like the forces are against me tonight.

"I'm hungry." He said.

Is he purposely trying to annoy the hell out of me? Without replying to him I turned around and padded into the kitchen. Chris followed me. He went to the refregirator and took out a bottle of orange juice and started drinking from it directly. I stared at him.


"Nothing. Make yourself comfortable." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah. Thanks." He said smirking at me. Sometimes he acts like a teenager and not an adult. Scratch that he acts most of the time like a teenager.


"Move." He said coming behind the kitchen counter.


"So I can make a sandwich for you?"

"You will?" I asked astonished. He is being polite with me?

He raised one eyebrow at me.


"I mean do you know how to?"

"Move Iris." He said rolling his eyes at me and pushing me aside. Talk about polite.

"Okay." I sighed and moved aside to give him some space.

"Are you allergic to anything?"

"No but I don't like peanut butter."

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