26 | A Letter To You, My Love

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A letter to you, my love

I must say it truly is weird that I am writing you since we barely even talk anymore. Ever since that day in high school (you know which one I mean) you stopped talking to me. It wasn't the cut off type of thing; you should have done that, cut me completely off I mean. You slowly stopped, our conversations lasting less and less time. Each goodbye you said to me made me wonder if it was the last, maybe you would finally stop. Eventually it did, and I was nowhere near prepared for the feeling that came with it.

I forgot that you might not even know what moment I even mean. How could you? It's been over 7 years and I'm sure you probably moved on. Do you even remember me? Do you remember what you were to me? I guess I should refresh your mind just in case you're drawing blanks.

My name isn't on the envelope, or anywhere else for that matter. I won't give my name to you just yet because maybe you already know. If not, you might remember while reading this. Whatever the case is, it doesn't really matter.

We met in middle school as awkward teens who had no life. I was the mysterious kid who never talked, and most likely had a tragic back story. All the girls use to swoon over me, and grab my attention. You on the other hand were a lonely kid who never cared much for attention, yet you always seemed to have got it. Girls and guys swooned over you, including me. I hate to admit I fell for your charm.

Is it coming back? No? Oh well, let's continue.

We became friends simply because our teacher paired us up. What was her name now... Mrs. Tsunade! She was a sweetheart who had a bit of a temper and drinking problem, but that's okay. I mean that's how you ended up, in high school that is.

We talked outside of our partnership, and even exchanged numbers. We would stay up late at night talking about sports or what horror movies we liked. We even convinced our mothers to let us sleep over at my house, and a few times at yours. No matter how many times we were told to go to bed or settle down, we always did the exact opposite. We were completely different when we were together, and I loved it.

Do you remember me now? Yes? No? It doesn't matter since I will skip along to the point of why I am writing this letter. I don't have much time left and I refuse to spend it writing some sappy backstory you might not even remember.

In high school we were the perfect duo. We cheated on tests together, exchanged homework for our classes when we needed to, and we snuck off campus many times. We did whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. Although there was one simple thing that threw off our relationship: I was gay.

I know for a fact that you remember me now. How could you not? You did ruin my life after all.

When I came out to you, it was meant to be a secret. Did you even know the definition of a secret? Did you even know that I never told anyone, not even my parents, you and only you? It was because I trusted you! You were suppose to keep that secret! but you didn't!

You went around, telling people I liked guys. It was subtle, but I began to see the stares directed at me. EVery single one of them had this look that I can't even begin to describe, but it resembled disgust. To this day that look will forever be burned into my mind all because you couldn't keep your mouth shut!

You tried to tell me you didn't know how they found out, maybe someone overheard. I believed you, and for what? The only reason I trusted you, why I believed you, was because I loved you. Yeah, that's right, I loved you with every fiber of my being. I was such an idiot to love you, but I couldn't help myself.

WHenever someone attacked me, you would tell them off. You were my Knight in shining armor because of that. If only I knew that the reason you did that was because you didn't want to seem like a bully. You never cared about me, only your reputation. It's okay, not that you are forgiven or anything.

Ah it seems my time is coming to an end. I will have to speed this up so forgive me if I seem to be missing some details. Though it shouldn't matter because this moment should be forever etched into your beautiful head.

I had kissed you one day out of anger. In the library when nobody else was there, right near the fiction section. Do you remember how you pulled into the kiss? How your hands snaked around my waist? I know for a fact you enjoyed it, hell, you even moaned out my name. So why did you decide to tell people I kissed you, and you were disgusted by it?

Bastard! You ruined my life with that lie!

You know what though?

I still loved you

I still do love you

Even after what you did.

It's okay though, it'll all be okay.

My vision is blurring, so I guess I'll have to stop writing now.

goodbye ,

my love


"Are you done reading it sir? We need to put this with the other evidence" A gruff voice said from behind the blond.

He looked once over the letter, checking to see if there was anything else. A part of him didn't want to let the letter go, to never let him go. As he wiped the tears from his eyes he handed the letter over to the officer, his fingers taking the time to glide off of the paper.

Guilt consumed him as he thought about the man who wrote the letter; the man he loved.

Omg what's wrong with me?! I need to be stopped! lol. I hope you enjoyed this short one-shot! If you didn't notice, Kakashi wrote a suicide letter to Naruto about how he ruined his life. Well I have to go do some stuff so bye everyone :)


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