21 | Side By Side

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Side by Side

Naruto's P. O. V.

My Earliest memory was of me when I was barely 4. I can still remember to like yesterday when the villagers glared at me, some even had pity on their faces. And there were those with confused looks that belonged to children my age. Why didn't there parents let them play with me?

It was the day of my first memory that I remembered a word that would stick with me forever.


Something about the way it was said made me understand there was more to it then I could comprehend at such an early age. Did demon have to do with the fact I was hard-headed and had a bad temper? Even then the word 'demon' was too strong for a 4 year old.

I mean, that's all I was, a 4 year old.

A bit later, when I was 6, there was a memory I would hold dear for the rest of my life. It would be a memory that shaped my future into what it became, and it made sure I didn't turn into the very word I was called. Demon.

I was in the forest as I loved the plant life. Seeing so much green, so much life made me happy. It may have been due to the fact he associated the word demon to death. I was death while the plant life was the opposite. And when I was there, I saw a boy sitting amongst the plant life.

"Who are you?" I asked softly. I was barely 6, and since no one taught me anything I didn't even know if I was speaking right. I had assumed I had as the boy turned around and looked at me. He had a grey eye, and a red one. His face was so pale, and he looked sad.

"I...I am no one" his voice was so deep to me. It was then I realized he wasn't a boy, more like a teenager. He was taller than me, much taller. In my 6 year old mind, he was a giant. And although he was a giant, he looked friendly and handsome. How could I , a 6 year old, know what handsome even was?

"Can I sit with you, please?" I asked him. His body shifted as he patted the grass next to him. Why the hell did I ask him for permission to sit on grass that I always came to? Well, I was a 6 year old who was naive and too kind for the world.

"Why are you here?" He asked as if he already knew the answer. In that moment, I didn't know that he knew why I was there. I barely even knew who he was until much later in my life.

"The people in the village like to call me monster, but I'm not" I was so innocent it makes me sick thinking about it. But the look he gave me made the fact I was innocent, worth it.

He didn't respond to me after that, about me being a monster. Later I found out it was because of the fact he watched out for me, to prevent people calling me a demon. That teenager, Kakashi Hatake, was my guardian in a way. Even if I didn't know it when I was 6, I found out later.

For 2 years we talked, but he changed. He covered his face with a mask and he was more serious than ever. He even ot a tattoo which I thought to be for him to look cool, as well as the dog mask. I later learned it meant he was one of the elite, or as most called him: Kakashi Of the Sharingan.

"You have never told me your name" I managed to say to him as we both were sitting in the forest. I'm not entirely sure why I had asked him what his name was since I never did before that. Something in me just wanted to know his name because it would mean something. Besides, we had known each other for a year and I felt it would be nice to put a name to him.

"My name is Dog" I knew that wasn't his name. I wasn't the brightest, but I knew no one named their kid Dog. But I didn't question him on it.

kakanaru one-shots (2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora