6 | Beautiful Sunset

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Beautiful Sunset

Third Person P. O. V.

Kakashi looked at the beautiful sunset, admiring the different colors that came together. Naruto was next to him, admiring the sunset as well. It was what Kakashi had considred the perfect date as this was the place they had first met. He could still remember how his breath was taken away from staring at the gorgeous blond. He almost thought he was staring at an angel and not a human. And after so many years of dating, he would finally ask Naruto to marry him.

"Do you know why I brought you here, Naruto? Do you know why this place is my favorite one?" Kakashi said. He turned his head to see Naruto, taking in his beauty. The blond's lips curved into a small smile, nodding his head. He did indeed remember what this place had symbolised for them. It was where they first met, and accidentaly kissed each other. It was a memory he held dear to him, and would never forget.

"Of course I do. The first time we met was because you were drove to see the sunset, and I was doing the same. And when I tripped over a rock, I fell onto and we kissed. It was completely by accident, but it was lovely" Naruto said, closing his eyes as he recalled that specific moment. Kakashi turned to face the sun once again, his eyes watering a bit. He hated getting emotional, but this was the absolutely perfect moment to ask Naruto to be his.

"Well Naruto, there is something I have been meaning to tell you. From the first moment I saw you, I assumed you were a stupid blond. And you still are, but I want you to be my stupid blond forver" Kakashi said as pulled what was a necklace with a wolf made of diamonds on it from his pocket. It was a hand crafted necklace he had that was given from his father to him. Naruto turned to look at Kakashi, his jaw dropping as he saw the necklace. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Kakashi you can't! That's your father's necklace, the one he gave you before he... No! You can't give me something you hold so dear to your heart. What if I lose it or break it? It's priceless Kakashi" Naruto said as he sat up, trying to reason with Kakashi that he couldn't give away the one thing he had left of his father. Kakashi unclasped the necklace, beckoning for Naruto to come closer so he could put it on. The blond was skeptical about it, knowing what it meant to Kakashi.

"My father told me to give this necklace to the on person I love, and that's you Naruto. And until I can find a proper ring, you'll wear it" Kakashi said as he finished putting the necklace on. Naruto held the little wolf in his hands, running his fingers over the diamonds. Each one reflected the light, making them see like rainbows. He smiled as he pulled Kakashi to him, kissing the man on his lips.

"You don't even know how much I love you Kakashi. I wish I had something I could give you in return... Wait! I do have something which was given to me from my Grandma" Naruto said as he reached into his pocket, pulling out what was a necklace with a crystal on it. He slipped it on Kakashi, admiring how good Kakashi looked with the seafoam colored crystal. Kakashi blushed, pulling Naruto in to kiss him back.

"So now what Baka? Does this mean you want me to marry you? Is this your way of asking me to marry you, or to stay with you as boyfriend and boyfriend? Oh, I just ruined the moment" Naruto chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. Kakashi sighed and laughed at his blond. The blond was knwon to be dense at almost all times, so this was to be expected. Naruto apologized for being stupid and ruining the moment Kakashi had set.

"Well that was my plan Naruto. So now if you'll let me ask you properly," He playfully glared at Naruto," Now, will you marry me Naruto? You make me the happiest pervert alive, and I couldn't ask for more. So will you marry me, Naruto Uzumaki-Namizake?" Kakashi asked, a lone tear escaping his eye. Naruto smiled as he pulled Kakashi in for a long, passionate kiss.

"Yes, Kakashi. Oh yes my baka I will marry you! I have dreamed of this day for so long, and it went even better then I imagined. I can't wait to tell everyone that we are engaged!" Naruto squealed as he rolled on top of Kakashi, kissing him deeper. The older male smiled at the blond strattling his waist, happy to be with Naruto forever. Both males held each other in an embrace, kissing passionately as the sun began to set.

"Hey, we should go home Mr. Uzumaki Namizake Hatake. It's getting dark and we all know Jiriaya and Tsunade will kill me if you aren't back by the your bed time" Kakashi chuckled as the blond rolled off of him. The blonde sighed, wondering why Kakashi had to listen to her as she would never seriously hurt him. Kakashi packed up their stuff, and began to head to their car.

"It's actually Mr. Hatake Uzumaki Namizake as I am the dominant one sir" Naruto said, playfully slapping Kakashi on the arm. The silver haired male pretened he was going to drop their things, as if the blonde's hit had actually hurt. Naruto laughed at how stupid his Fiance was.

"whatever you say Mr. Uzumaki-Naimzake Hatake"

You all deserved a happy one-shot even if it was short. I hope you enjoyed this happy one-shot, as it won't happen often. Maybe... Maybe not... Lol. Well do comment and vote on the one-shot. It's pretty late, and I have school so bye everyone.


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