23 | Imaginary Friend

442 35 13

Imaginary Friend

Third Person P. O. V.

"Mommy, Daddy, I'll be in my room if you need me" Kakashi called out as he stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay honey. Make sure your room doesn't get messy" His mother had called out from the kitchen. Kakashi nodded his head even though he knew his mother and father couldn't see it. He turned to look up the stairs, his eyes wide with excitement.

He pushed his body forward, racing up the stairs to get to his room. In the back of his mind he could feel a little bit of worry and fear since he could trip running so fast. Although the excitement and happiness of being able to go to his room and play had pushed out the fear of tripping.

A he reached the top of the stairs, he dashed left to his room, practically slamming the door open and off its hinges.

"Kakashi, please don't slam doors open like that" His mother scolded, although he could hear a little chuckle at the end.

He ran over to his bed, lifting up the covers as he looked under. The grin on his face never faded as he got up from the ground and raced to the closet. He opened the doors, peaking inside. He closed the closet doors as he raced around the room, looking in every corner and crevice. The smile on his face didn't falter, instead it grew bigger.

"Where are you hiding? Please come out now" Kakashi said, sitting down on the bed. He smiled and hummed a little tune, waiting for him to come out.

"I'm here Kakashi" a smooth voice chirped, along with it a body. It was a boy, about his age. He had blond hair, blue eyes, and whisker makes that resembled a cat.

"I thought you might have run off and hid again. Where were you?" Kakashi asked, his voice small and childish.

"I was trying to see if you could find me Kakashi. Apparently I'm still better at hide n seek then you are" he chirped, giggling a little.

"You're too good at this game, Naruto. You know I can't find you" Kakashi said with a little pout face.

"I know Kakashi, I know" Naruto said as he moved to sit beside Kakashi.

The two had been best friends ever since Kakashi could be remember. Well, that was mostly due to the fact Naruto wasn't a normal boy. No, he wasn't even a boy. He was imaginary.

"Does your mom still hate me?" Naruto asked, breaking the little bit of silence.

He was referring to the times where Naruto had made Kakashi do things and got him in trouble. His mom always said that Naruto is just imaginary, and can't make him do anything.

"No, she says you're not real and that I can't blame you. But you're real, aren't you?" Kakashi asked. He had no clue that Naruto was imaginary and assumed he was real, just like he was.

"I'm sorry Kakashi. I thought that it would be fun to eat all the cookies and play with the cat. I'll try not to get you in trouble again" He said.

"It's okay, how about we play a game?" Kakashi asked, hopping off the bed. Naruto followed him to the dresser, Kakashi opening a drawer.

"We can play with my dinosaurs and dog toys" he smiled. Naruto nodded his head, grabbing some of the toys.

The two boys sat on the floor, pretending that the dog toys were evil aliens and the dinosaurs were there to save the day. They roared and snarled as if they toys were actually doing it, giggling at how funny they sounded.

"Don't destroy the planet Mr. Cuddles!" Kakashi exclaimed as he held a T-rex in front of a brown dog. Naruto laughed as he pushed the T-rex out of the way, snarling at him.

"Never! I will rule the world! I will make sure that there are no more dinosaurs on this planet, if it's the last thing I do" Naruto said, trying to sound serious and evil. Instead, he sounded rather adorable and non-serious, causing Kakashi to go into a hysterical fit.

"You don't sound so serious Mr. Cuddles" Kakashi joked as he picked the dinosaur up, and made it bounce as if to taunt the dog.

"Growl!" Naruto said, attacking the dinosaur once again. He knocked the T-rex out of Kakashi's hand, laughing at his victory.

"It seems that the Dogs will take over the universe, and destroy the world!" Naruto said as he stood up, raising the dog above his head. He continued to growl and giggle in victory, leaving Kakashi on the floor.

When Naruto finally noticed that Kakashi wasn't celebrating with him, he plopped right down beside him.

"What's wrong? Are you upset with me?" He asked, holding the dog up to Kakashi's face. Kakashi had turned away by then, and leaned away from Naruto.

At that point, the blond wondered if he had did something wrong to him. Could he have been mad that he had gotten victory by knocking the dinosaur out of his hand? He will admit that that was a mean thing to do, but they were only playing.

"Kakashi what's-" He was cut off as the dog had been knocked out of his hands, and a dinosaur in Kakashi's.

"Victory is mine!" He exclaimed as he popped up from his gloomy state, jumping up and down. The dog had went flying across the room, landing with a thud against the wall. It took Naruto a moment to realize that he had been tricked by Kakashi.

"Good one Kakashi" He exclaimed, getting up to join Kakashi in his celebration dance.

They both began to jump up and down, growling and roaring in victory. They were both smiling and giggling; both were extremely happy. They were so loud, and having too much fun that they barely noticed the footsteps approaching the door, and the turning of the knob.

"Kakashi? What is all that noise?" Kakashi's mother asked as she stood in the doorway.

Kakashi stopped jumping and having fun as he looked right at his mother.

"I was having fun with Naruto" He said, gesturing to his blond friend in front of him. His mother looked at where the blond 'was', only smiling and nodding in return.

"Well please keep it down Kakashi, Naruto" She said with a chuckled as she closed the door, and headed back down stairs.

"Now what Naruto?" Kakashi asked, happiness still clear in his eyes.

Short wittle one-shot about young Kakashi and Naruto. It's been forever since I last updated, but it's finally here. I needed a break from writing kakanaru and anime stories since I was running out of ideas. Hopefully y'all enjoyed this little one-shot. Bye.


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