18 | Warm As The Sun

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Warm As The Sun

Third Person P. O. V.

Naruto hopped out of the car, running through a tall field of sunflowers. He screamed with joy as he ran, a basket in one hand and his sun-hat in the other. From the car, a puppy hopped out, and a husky to be exact. The husky ran after Naruto, barking along the way. Kakashi sighed as he finally stepped out of the car, watching as the two great loves of his life ran off. He closed the car door, locked it, and made his way towards Naruto and their dog.

"Kakashi, hurry! The sun feels so good, and the breeze is just right! Menma's enjoying it too" Naruto exclaimed. The blond dropped the basket on the ground, sitting down next to it. Menma barked as he ran circles around his owner, yipping, and barking. Kakashi chuckled as he quickened his pace into a semi-jog, reaching Naruto in only a few seconds.

"Naruto, why in such a rush? We have all day" Kakashi said lazily as he slowly sat down next to Naruto. The blond rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, wondering why he was so lazy. Of course, Naruto assumed that Kakashi had been spending too long of a time with the Nara's, and picking up on their lazy habits. Then again he was an animal lover and hot-headed, much like the Inuzuka clan.

"Yeah, sure we do. Although the food doesn't have all day, and neither does my patience baka!" Naruto grumbled as he began to unpack the basket full of food. Menma stopped running in circles and plopped beside Naruto, most likely to eat.

"I swear you're always so impatient, Naruto. Even if I say something slow you have the urge to make me go faster" Kakashi said in a montone voice as he grabbed for a juice box. To be an asshole he made sure he took his time reaching for it, grabbing it, and pulling it back to him. Naruto seemed as if he would explode from the fact Kakashi was taking forever. The silver-haired male smirked inside of his head at the blond's reaction. Getting on Naruto's nerves never failed to make him happy.

"Yeah, because you always do that in bed. I swear Kakashi, I'll have to ask Sasuke to take your place in bed if you keep being slow" Naruto said as he took out a box of crackers. Kakashi spat out his juice, Menma racing to lick up his face. Naruto laughed at Kakashi's reaction, almost crushing the box of crackers.

"Naruto Uzumaki-Namizake, don't make me call Kushina and tell her what you said" Kakashi said with a straight face as he continued to drink the juice box. Naruto huffed in defeat as he knew if Kakashi called Kushina, and told her what he said, she would beat him into the ground. Not to mention give him the sex talk even though he was 28 and had already had sex plenty of times. But his mother was one to overdue things.

"You wouldn't dare Kakashi" Naruto mumbled as he nibbled on a sandwich. Before he could take a full bite, Menma bit the sandwich from his mouth. The blond squeaked as Menma dug into the sandwich, eating it in one bite. Kakashi threw his head back as he laughed at Naruto for always being so jumpy. And who had the bright idea to bring Menma along when he absolutely loved food? Most likely Naruto.

"I swear you mutt, I'll cut off your balls" He grumbled as he took out another sandwich, making sure to keep an eye and Menma. The husky tilted his head, his ears flopping down. For s plit second Kakashi was very sure Menma would jump for the sandwich again, but hopefuly the dog understood what was at stake.

"He's just a dog Naruto, don't threaten him. It's your fault for bringing him along anyway" Kakashi said as he held his hand out, Menma pushing his head against it. Naruto glared at the dog, wondering why had he thought it would be such a good idea to bring the dog along.

"I don't care if he was God, he'll get his balls cut off if he eats food that I want. One of these days he'll have to learn, and then he'll regret everything" Naruto said as he finished his sandwich. Kakashi sighed as he pet the dog, praying Menma wouldn't eat anymore of naruto's food. If Kakashi learned one thing over the years of him being with Naruto, it was that the blond meant everything he said.

They sat there, eating and talking. They rambled on about Menma and his balls, soon turning into the topic of kids. Of course, Naruto hated the subject more than anything since he knew he would never be able to have a kid. It was something that made him toss and turn at night as he wanted to have a kid of his own, and with Kakashi at that. It was one of the very few things he disliked about being gay. That and always being the bottom.

"We should have a kid" Kakashi stated. Naruto's lips pulled into a straight line at the mention of them having a kid.

"You know we can't Kakashi" Naruto replied as he pulled out another sandwich and some pre-made ramen. He knew Kakashi would go on about how they could adopt, but Naruto didn't want to. Hinata was able to have a kid with Kiba, and Sakura with Sasuke. But he wasn't born female, neither was Kakashi, so they wouldn't have a kid.

"I've been reading up on surrogates, and maybe we should try that, ya know? We could even have two so that both of our sperms are used. One will be a mini you, and the other a mini me" Kakashi said softly. Naruto searched his mind to see if he knew anything about surrogates, although nothing really came up. He never liked the idea of a surrogate as it meant only one of them would biologicaly be the parent of the child. But did it truly matter?

"If you can find a surrogate, and buy me ice cream, we can try that" Naruto said with a soft smile on his face. Kakashi nodded his head as he snaked his arm around Naruto, pulling him closer. Menma pushed his way into the tiny space between the two, laying down.

This feeling they all felt, was as warm as the sun.

Another one-shot! The 3rd one I believe? Yes, I think so. Hopefully you are all enjoying these short one-shots. Um nothing much to say so please check out my other works if you can. Vote, comment, etc. Have a great day/night everyone :)


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