9 | Silence

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Third Person P. O. V.

What does silence sound like? It was a question Naruto Uzumaki often thought of, as his life was filled with noise. He never had to sit in silence, alone and away from everyone. And as he sat on the couch in his house, he hear absolutely nothing. No birds had chirpped, no cars had passed by, not even the T.V. made a sound. It was as if the whole world went completely silent, and he hated that.

"Naruto, you should stop being so stuck up. I know you have fun, but do something a little more daring. How about we go on a plane to Europe and explore the world? It's settled, I'll but the tickets and you start to pack"

Of course there was one person who seemed to make his life much better, and rid every trace of silence. Kakashi Hatake was his boyfriend, and who always found a way to get Naruto to laugh even when he was sad. Naruto's lips twitched as he thought of the man as it brought painful memories. He hated how Kakashi wasn't by his side right then to rid the silence, and make him laugh until he peed himself.

"Naruto it's just an airplane, no need to worry. I know it's your first time and all, but I have a trick for you. Do you want to hear it? You just fall asleep and pretend you're in bed. When I first flew that's what I did, and it worked. So go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we get there"

He hated planes. The reason for him never going on one was due to his hate and fear of airplanes. To have such a heavy object in the sky was doomed to a disaster, and he wouldn't be on it when that happened. But Kakashi always found a way to get what he wanted, and it was probably because Naruto was gullable when it came to Kakashi. Kakashi was like a spoiled Princess as his friends would often state. But he wasn't, he was Naruto's prince.

"Hey baby, wake up. Somethings wrong with the plane, and everyone's freaking out. Naruto you have to wake up right now, the oxygen masks are coming down. Naruto, please baby wake up. Please"

And since Kakashi always got his way, he would do anything for him. Even if that meant getting out of his comfort zone, because Kakashi was worth it. Kakashi was worth much more then his stupid fear of planes. And just the thought of going anywhere with Kakashi had clouded his vision, because all he wanted was to be with Kakashi. Tears slowly fell from his blue eyes as he thought of Kakashi. It was all his fault...

"Naruto, I love you. I know I tell you so many times that I love you, but I truly do. Before you my life had no meaning or purpose, and you gave that to me. You gave me my purpose and I thank you for that. If you live through this, just no I will love you even until death. Nothing will change that"

He could still remember the crash as if it was yesterday, even though it had happened at least 2 years ago. How when he woke up the masks had came down from the compartments, and the passengers were freaking out. Kakashi had been crying and holding onto him, whispering I love you repeatedly. It broke Naruto's heart to see his lover in such a fragile state, and to see him scared made him want to hold and cuddle him.

"Naruto, my last words to you... I love you! You were the darkness to my li..."

His last words had been cut off with the impact they made with the ground. Nobody expected Naruto to live through the crash, especially since almost everybody had died. Besides his lover being ripped away from him, the crash took his ability to walk. So as he sat there on his couch, in his living room, he thought of the crash. He hated the silence that followed, and how Kakashi wasn't there to rid it.

"I love you!"

Kakashi's I love you had replayed in his mind. The way his face looked, his eyes, his motuh, his body was burned into his memory. The way Kakashi's were closed a bit as the plane got closer to the ground. And how in Kakashi's final moments he had stopped crying and looked Naruto in the eyes with a smile. He knew every well Naruto had a better chance at living then him, and accepted that. He accepted his death, and used his last moments to make sure Naruto knew he loved him.

"I love you!"

The blond clenched his fists, wondering why Kakashi wasn't spared. He should've been the one to die, not Kakashi. He asked God everyday as to why Kakashi wasn't alive, sitting next to him on the couch. Why Kakashi wasn't helping him walk or even helping him bathe. Tears flooded his eyes as anger and sadness consumed him. He hated the silence, he couldn't stand it. He wanted Kakashi to be there, to make him laugh.

"You gave me my purpose and I thank you for that."

Did Kakashi know he gave Naruto purpose? Didn't Kakashi understand he always filled the silence with his happy voice? Naruto wanted to get up and punch something, or destroy anything. He wanted to get this anger out, and he wanted the silence gone. He hated it! He wanted Kakashi, even though it would never happen. He just wanted to hear him say I love you one more time.

"Kakashi, you fill my silence. If we make it through, I will marry you"

Omg so painful. I was legit tearing up writing this, no joke. Well I gtg to school so bye everyone!


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