14 | I Love Him

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I Love Him

Third Person P. O. V.

Naruto Uzumaki was always happy. Rarely was it that people would catch him sad or upset over anything, even death. He was the type of kid to bring happinness wherever he went, and it attracted people to him like a moth to a flame. There was never a time where anyone could truly hate him as he was just a person everyone liked. When someone needed a shoulder to cry on, he would be there. It didn't matter if he knew you or not.

Most would agree that the times where he was the happiest was when he was around the man he loved; Kakashi Hatake. Yes it was stupid to love someone, especially in high school. But it had happened, and it was something everybody described as beautiful. Although it was only a crush, which Kakashi seemed blind to, it was cute to watch the blush that Naruto had when talking to him. Everyone would agree that they would eventually get together, and it was only a matter of time.

"Hey Kakashi! What are you up to today?" he asked, his voice bubbly. The silver haired guy turned to smile at his best friend. It was little moments like those Naruto cherished more then anything else. Everyone around them smiled widely as they saw the goofy grin appear on Naruto's face, Kakashi sporting a grin as well. It would be a lie if they denied they didn't want to push the two together so they could accidentaly kiss.

"Well I have some very special plans, and maybe you could tag along. I need some moral support and you're a very good friend" He said. To most the very mention of being just a friend would crush them into pieces, but Naruto loved it. At least he knew Kakashi had liked him enough to consider him a friend, a very good one at that. The blond nodded his head as he followed Kakashi through the halls of his school.

"So, what do you have in mind today? Is it another prank 'cause my parents are tired of getting phone calls home and all" Naruto said as he kept pace with Kakashi. Often the two would find themselves in the office of Principal Tsunade for doing silly things. Well, to others they were practically crimes and could potentially harm others. But, in their opinion, almost setting the chemistry room on fire was not that bad. They could have burned down the whole school instead.

"Well it happens to do with this guy I like, and I need some help" Kakashi said with a slight blush. Naruto's heart skipped a beat as the fact Kakashi had said 'guy' and not a specific name could have meant it was anyone; even him. Yes having hope was a very dangerous thing, but it couldn't hurt that much. Even if it was just his mind and false hope, at least he would know and could get over the guy.

"So a crush? I would have never thought Kakashi Hatake of all people would like another guy. This is too good" Naruto giggled. Kakashi sent a playful glare back at him as he quickened his pace to what was an empty classroom. He couldn't help but feel even more happy as Kakashi closed the door behind him.

"Yeah, Kakashi Hatake has a crush on a guy, so what? Last time I checked you were the same, so quit it. Now I need to ask your help on what to do. Like how do I tell him I like him and all that stuff" Kakashi said as he sat on a desk. Naruto smiled at Kakashi as he wondered if he already knew he liked him, or was blind. Although he didn't know how to answer Kakashi's question, it wouldn't hurt to help him out.

"Well I would tell him how I feel, and how it came to be. Like the first time I knew I liked him, and every little thing that made me like him more. Starting off with how you truly feel is usually a good way to start. Say stuff like the moment his eyes met your you felt this little spark. How everytime he smiled it gave you a reason to continue on in life. Just him being near you is enough to wash away the pain and it's amazing." Naruto said, slightly embarresed. Kakashi smiled as he nodded his head, taking in everything his friend had said.

"So I should tell him everything, everything I feel? No matter how stupid or weird I should just get it all out? But what if he doesn't like me or thinks I am not good enough? What if he rejects me in front of everyone?" Kakashi began to ask a string of questions, each one causing him to panic a bit more. Naruto could only laugh at how worried his friend was, only causing Kakashi to glare at his friend, his eyes asking why it was so funny.

"You can't overthink it man, you just got to go with the flow. He has to know just how much you like him, and what you like about him. Guys like to hear good things about themselves just as much as girls do baka" Naruto chuckled. Kakashi smiled as he nodded his head. He got up, walking over to Naruto, and pulling him into a big hug. Naruto smiled as he wrapped his arms around Kakashi, although the contact didn't last for long, but he didn't mind. Just being in the presence of Kakashi was enough for him.

"Thank you Naruto, honestly. I don't know what I would do without a friend like you. I mean without you I wouldn't have worked up the courage to confess my love to the guy I like. I'll catch you later" he began to walk to the door" there's something I need to tell Obito" He said as he practically ran from the room. Naruto's smile didn't falter, not a single bit. Yes it was dangerous that he had hoped for Kakashi to be talking about him, but he couldn't help it. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he kept them in. There would be no way he would cry over Kakashi, but it would happen.

"I love him" he whispered, almost as if that could take away the pain he felt in his heart. Nothing could take away the feeling of something weighing down on your chest, choking you. It was a feeling that crushed your heart, and squeezed your throat. It was the feeling of knowing the one you loved, didn't love you back.

Sorry for this short crap but some feels are in the house. Aka I witnessed my crush give a bear to his crush and then I cried my heart out. I really hate love ;-; no lie. So expect some more sad one-shots until I can get that bastard out of my heart and head. Also expect a MadaNaru story as well as some more kakanaru and sasunaru stories. Even a SasuHina as well ;). Comment, vote, and do what y'all do. Bye everyone


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