3 | Miss Me

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Miss Me

Third Person P. O. V.

"Did you miss me?" Kakashi asked, his voice was barely audible. The blond blinked as he stared at the body hovering over his, the grass beneath him acting as a cushion. He didn't know how he could answer such a question. He did miss Kakashi more then anything, but to the extent of him being in front of him was another story. All he could do was bite his lip to keep the word 'no' from slipping out. Most would jump at the chance of seeing their lovers one more time, to be able to hold them once more. But he didn't, and it made him sick.

"Kakashi you know I missed you," his smile became an apologetic one," but you're not you. The reanimation jutsu shouldn't have been an option in the first place . The dead should stay dead, Kakashi" Naruto said, trying to avoid eye contact with the older male. The older male nodded his head understanding how Naruto felt. He rolled over to the side of Naruto, as he didn't want his tears to fall on the blonds face. It wasn't fair at all!

"I know Naruto. But I get to see you once more, and that's an opportunity we can't miss. This may be the last time we even talk to each other for a while, and I plan on not wasting it" Kakashi said as he turned to face the blond. Naruto sighed as he knew it was true. Once the reanimation jutsu worn off (There was a lack of chakra to sustain it for long times), they would no longer be together. And although it was a terrible decision, both were glad they were together.

"I just want to back to the days when we would sneak kisses and play tricks on our friends. I want to attend dinner parties, together. And when the right moment came, I wanted to be married. But life is cruel my love. It's a sick, twisted game that we seem to have lost" Naruto said, sadly. Kakashi sighed in agreement. He too had wished they could have lived together, been alive together so they could wed. And they would invite friends to attend, and it would've been fun.

"Naruto, our wedding colors would be blue and silver. Do you remember talking to me about that? I sure do. You insisted we have orange and blue, but I refused to marry a man in orange. So you settled for silver." Kakashi chuckled as he recalled the memory, before the 4th Great Shinobi war. The blond's lips curled into a smile, laughter bubbling inside of him. Even Kuruma smiled as the happiness filled his vessel. Naruto also remembered saying he would never marry a pirate either, to which Kakashi ripped of his forehead protector in annoyance. He wasn't a pirate.

"And do you remember the time Tsunade found us reading secret scrolls, except we weren't exactly reading? The look on her face was absolutely pricless! And not to mention the fact Shizune and Sakura were with her as well. That was a great day" Naruto chuckled as he thought of the memory. It seemed like a dream rather then a cherished memory. Kakashi playfully slapped Naruto on the arm, recalling very well it was his lover's idea to frolic in such a public place. Naruto always had the power to seduce him anywhere, and anytime.

"During the war, we fought side by side. I had held your hand in an attempt to make sure Hinata didn't touch you. I have always been jealous she might catch your eye because she could birth your child. And now that I think of it, I realize just how childish I was." Kakashi said sheepishly. Naruto blushed as he had never realized the older male could get jealous over one of his close friends. Even if Hinata was able to give him a child, she could never give him the mystery he got from Kakashi. She was shy and nice, while Kakashi was mysterious and erotic.

"I would have never thought the Great Kakashi Hatake would've been jealous over a girl. And I could've sworn you knew I was gay by then, and Hinata knew as well. You were being an ass just for the hell of it, during a war!" Naruto accused. Kakashi began to whistle as he laid down on his back. Naruto could only shake his head at how silly Kakashi could be. Yes the man was heartless and pushed others away, but deep down he was someone who wanted love all to himself. Of course Naruto attracted the possessive, jealous men.

"Our time is almost up Naruto. I don't want it to be up so soon, especially since we're having fun. I don't want this to leave" Kakashi said in a low voice. Tears filled his eyes, running down the side of his face, and to the grass. Naruto scooted closer to him, closing the space. He pressed his lips to the older male's face, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. This caused Kakashi to turn his head, to which the blond captured Kakashi's lips in a passionate kiss. It seemed like hours went by before they had broken apart for air.

"Kakashi, it's okay. It's not like the universe can keep us away forever. And if they universe tries to separate us, I will find a way to get to you. And you better believe it 'cause that's my ninja way!" Naruto shouted in a childish voice, trying to mimic what he sounded like as a youth. Kakashi giggled as he loved when Naruto would say his speeches, somehow melting the hearts of those he heard him.That was what drew him to Naruto, his ability to change even the coldest of people. And he always made his promises, and he somehow kept them all.

"I love you, Naruto" Kakashi whispered as the time for the jutsu had run out. Naruto kissed his lover one last time, before pulling away to meet the Copy Cat Ninja's eyes. His body slowly began to turn into what looked like dust, glowing a light blue color. It went from his feet up, consuming his calves and moving onto his thighs. Slowly, his torso turned to dust, and soon his neck and head would be nothing. Kakashi smiled weakly at Naruto, tears leaking from his grey and red eye. This would be his 2nd time saying goodbye to Naruto, and it didn't get easier. Before he left, he had to say one last thing.

"I will miss you" Naruto said, before the his face dissolved into the wind, leaving Kakashi alone once again.

*Shrugs* I wanted to mind fuck you guys. Why? Because that is my job. I tried to keep it vague and I tried to not put who the reanimation was. I hope that you all thought it was Kakashi because that means I have succeeded. If you thought it was Naruto, you've either been here since the first one-shot book or you're smart. Kudos. This one-shot came from a word prompt from AnimeUzumaki7 which was Miss Me. So thanks for the word. And I also never stated these would be happy one shots, so have fun in sadness-land. lol. Please comment and vote. Have a nice day everyone. Bye


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