2 | Baka

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Third Person P. O. V.

"Come on Naruto! Please come out of your room, we need our knuckle headed, impulsive Naruto back" Sakura's voice pleaded. The blond blinked once as he looked at the door, watching as the shadow left its position. She was finally gone. He let out a low sigh as he could get peace for about another 30 minutes.

Although he still couldn't rest easy as something was missing from his life. Well, it was actually a someone rather then a something. Kakashi Hatake was his sensei, comrade, and friend. He was his everything when he had nothing. He shaped the blond without knowing just how much he affected him.

"Baka! Why are you such an idiot? And I thought I was the idiot here" Naruto said with a laugh, but it wasn't the warm kind. This laugh was filled with sadness and pain. He hated the emptiness he was left with. He hated Sasuke for becoming who he was, and doing the things he did. Maybe if he killed Sasuke, Kakashi would be alive.

Flash back

"Sasuke, come back. Help me change the village so that what happened to your clan will never happen again" Naruto begged as he was face to face with his rival once again. The raven only smirked as he wondered if Naruto was still naive after everything he had done. He was going to yell at Naruto, but Kakashi said something first.

"You're weak Sasuke. You always have been and always will be. Naruto is stronger because he never abandons his friends unlike you" Kakashi spat out. Naruto turned to face Kakashi, wondering if he truly said what he did. Sasuke was strong, and he had the eternal Mangeyko Sharingan.

"Watch your mouth old man. I am superior to all of you. Never say he is better then me, and never compare us. He doesn't know my pain because he never had a family to love" Sasuke spat. Naruto flinched at his harsh words. A single tear ran down his cheek, seeing as his friend may have been a lost cause.

"Don't talk to him that way Sasuke! I may not have had a family, but I still felt their love! My father was the Yondaime, and my mother was his wife. I am strong like them, just like how you're strong like your brother" Naruto whispered the last part. Sasuke's eyes widened a bit when Naruto said who his parents were.

"Dobe, never speak of my brother as if you know him! I will cut your tongue out if you dare mention my family" His eyes spun with anger, and his voice dripped with venom. Naruto knew he struck a nerve, one that would get him killed if he wasn't careful. But this could be the answer to help Sasuke.

"Your brother wanted you to protect the village he loved. How would he feel knowing you're planning to destroy the very thing he loved besides you? You'd be throwing away everything he died for, just to get revenge" Naruto said, taking a step closer to his friend. Kakashi watched in fear as the space between his students got smaller.

"Naruto, I told you to not speak of him. You don't know what it is like to have your clan die in front of you, and by the hands of your brother. You don't know what it's like to kill your own family, only to find out a scandalous truth. You wouldn't know, because you're a demon!" Sasuke screamed. Naruto smiled, but it wasn't a happy one.

"Sasuke, you don't understand what it's like to be a demon. You have no clue what it's like to be the stupid kid who no one loves. I have been starved, beaten, and killed once. But I had someone to love me, and he saved me." Naruto said, turning his head so he could smile at his lover Kakashi.

"Naruto! Get away from him!" Kakashi screamed. Naruto whipped his head to look back at Sasuke. The raven had chidori charged in his left hand, and the space between them was closing. Naruto smiled as he opened his arms, and closed his eyes. He awaited the pain of his flesh tearing, but nothing came. He opened his eyes, and saw his worst fear come to life.

"Baka!" He screamed as Kakashi was in front if him, a hand plunged through his chest. Tears clouded Naruto's eyes as Kakashi turned his face around, his infamous eyes showing a smile.

"I love you, Naruto" he whispered as the hand retreated from his chest. Kakashi's body slumped to the ground, and Naruto fell on his knees beside him. He tried to get Kakashi to keep his eyes open, but the outcome was inevitable. He would die, no matter what he tried to do. His mind began to fog up, and rage bubbled within him. He looked up at Sasuke, his now red demon eyes meeting terrified Sharingan ones.

"...baka..." Naruto whispered before red chakra exploded from in his body, transforming him into the 9 tailed Fox. He was in full control of Kuruma, and for once they had the same thing in their mind: Kill Sasuke Uchiha.

End of Flashback

Naruto began to cry as he knew he hurt Sasuke. Hinata and Sakura had found a way to calm him down by telling him Kakashi wouldn't want him to murder his friend. It took almost a day before Naruto let go of the rage and returned to his human form. But the pain of losing Kakashi was far too great, causing him to go into despair and depression.

His friends tried to comfort him, but nothing worked. Even Kuruma had attempted to cheer him up, but the blond only ignored him. And Sasuke attempted to apologize as he had came back to the village, but Naruto didn't want to see him. All he wanted was one more chance to see his Kakashi again, to whisper I love you one last time.

So for him, his love, Naruto would become hokage. He would do what he had promised to do, and change the shinobi world. And when he was done doing his part, he would reunite with his own true love. The thought of seeing Kakshi made him smile, and it brought him happiness for once.

"I love you, baka"

So this was a word prompt from AnimeUzumaki7 from when I asked for word prompts, but then deleted the message cause I didn't want to do a lot of prompts. But you can give me words if you want. And first sad one shot of the collection lol. Well bye.


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