15 | The Dance

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The Dance

Third Person P. O. V.

Naruto looked around the ballroom, searching for his date. He had been dragged to a fancy ball, where everyone wore a mask. His had been a fox with gold and red lines, and Sasuke's was a hawk. Of course, he hated the idea of not being able to see Sasuke's handsome face, but it was required of them. And it didn't help that the ballroom was filled tie a sea of masks. It didn't help one bit.

"Sasuke!" He called out, hoping that his lover would hear him. Of course, no one turned to him, and there was no reply. He huffed as he walked over to the food bar, picking up a glass of wine. He wasn't much of a drinker, nor was he much of a socializer. He lifted his mask and took a sip, watching people dance and talk. Although he couldn't spot Sasuke, he could spot his elder brother Itachi and some blond kid next to him. Did Uchiha's have a thing for blonds?

"You sir, look very lonely. May I accompany you?" A smooth voice asked. Naruto turned his head to see a wolf mask painted in blue and yellow. The designs reminded him of lighting. Naruto nodded his head, checking once more for Sasuke. He didn't want his boyfriend to think he was interested in any other men but him. Besides, it would have been rude of him to say no, and he was raised to be the opposite of rude.

"Does the boy with a Fox mask have a name, or should I just call you Foxy?" He said. Although he couldn't see his mouth, he could practically hear the smirk. Naruto rolled his blue eyes at the man's stupid attempt at flirting. He tilted his head back, downing the rest of his drink. He reached for another glass at the table, too eager to take it.

"Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki. Does the man with a wolf mask have a name, or should I just call you stupid" Naruto replied, downing another glass, and replacing it. The man in the wolf mask chuckled at his comment, his grey eyes shining with tears. Now Naruto wanted to get rid of the guy as he dripped with cockiness. He exhaled, remembering all the times his mother told him to be nice to anyone, even if he found them annoying. Sadly, he took after her, and she was a walking entity of rage.

"Kakashi Hatake" He paused " I like guys who are feisty. Care to dance?" He asked, holding his hand out. Naruto kept back the gag as he took the man's hand. The song that had come on was a slow one, making the blond dread the fact Sasuke could see him with another man at any second. Sasuke was possessive, and seeing him dancing very close with another man would set him off.

"So Kakashi, why are you here?" Naruto asked, not even covering the bit of annoyance in his voice. Kakashi chuckled from under his mask. It took every fiber in Naruto's body to not step on Kakashi's foot for chuckling. Did he think he was cool? Naruto wished Sasuke would find them, and punch the cocky bastard for him.

"I'm here because Itachi is a good friend of mine, and I know his family very well. Especially little Sasuke, who happens to be your boyfriend" Naruto's eyes widened "Yes, I know you're taken. Just because I'm gay and flirty doesn't exactly mean I'm into you" Kakashi said, calmly. Naruto kicked Kakashi, warning him to not act like a cocky bastard. He imagined the guy smirking at his little comment.

"If you know Sasuke Uchiha, then you would understand that you shouldn't be dancing with me. Yet here you are ,the cocky bastard, dancing with me in the open. Why?" Naruto questioned. Kakashi dipped the blond, causing Naruto to yelp. He had almost forgotten they were dancing. Kakashi quickly picked Naruto back up, twirling him around. Naruto blushed as he felt like a princess, and not in a good way.

"I could take him. I have seen him fight, and trust me when I say I'm 10 times better. And being in the army for a few years kinda gives me an advantage over him, wouldn't you say?" He said, his eyes shining. Naruto huffed in annoyance, looking away from Kakashi. Sasuke was cocky, as well as Itachi, even himself. But Kakashi was a whole new level of cocky, very close to douchebag status.

"Yeah, I bet you could. But I still feel wrong being near another man, so would you please let me go?" Naruto asked, his hands trying to move from Kakashi's. The Hatake's finger's held on tighter to Naruto's, keeping him from leaving. Letting go of one hand Kakashi spun Naruto out, pulling him back in, their faces dangerously close. If not for the masks separating them, Naruto was sure their lips would have met. He was glad the mask could cover his blush.

"Sure," Kakashi said, dropping Naruto onto the ground. The blond growled as he looked up at Kakashi, his eyes fixed on the bottom of his face. He could see his smirk, and it only angered him. He got up to his feet, pulling Kakashi closer to him by the collar. It took a lot to get him worked up, especially if he was in public. He could hear his mother's voice, telling him to calm down, but he had her bad temper. And her terrible ability at controlling it too.

"I swear Kakashi" He threatened, unable to find something else to say. Kakashi's eyes closed into an eye smile, making the blond's blood boil. What was so damn funny? He could feel people beginning to stare at him, wondering what was going on. If it wasn't for the crowd, and the possibility of embarrassing Sasuke, he would have punched him. Kakashi's hand moved to his mask, lifting it off. Naruto's breath hitched at the sight, but he kept still. Kakashi smirked.

"Sasuke's behind you," He said. Naruto let go of Kakashi, turning to an angered Sasuke. The blond cursed Kakashi for being such a bastard.

Short one-shot for not updating in forever lol. I have been so busy with my other works and writing them. And I have been writing new ideas for stories and all. Not to mention school is taking up most of my time. Please comment, vote, and do what y'all do. Bye :)


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