5 | Hospital

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Third Person P. O. V.

He hated hospitals, ever since he was little. The smell of them caused him to gag, and it was rather nauseating. As a kid he had always avoided them, and even now as a 27 year old man he did. And he did a great job at doing so, until now. The only reason he was even there was for his boyfriend Naruto Uzumaki-Naimzake. It seemed that the blond had gotten into an accident by attempting to pull a robber off of a girl. His baka hadn't seen the gun the man had, or the knife in his hand. He was shot multiple times, and stabbed as well. The doctors had said the bullet wounds were fatal, as well as the stab wounds, but he had a chance of living. And Naruto was known for fighting to get what he wanted, so Kakashi had no doubt the surgery would be successful.

But the thought of what he would have to do in case Naruto died had nagged at him. He would have to tell his friends what had happened. He would suffer the pain of losing his one true love way too soon. The silver haired man teared up at the very thought, and decided to just push it back. If Naruto would have saw him now he would've said not to worry, that he would make it. He hated the stupid blonde for always trying to be the hero. He could've called for help, yet he chose to do it himself. Kakashi sighed as he looked up to see a doctor approaching him.

"Hello Hatake Kakashi. It seems Mr. Uzumaki is stable, for now. He had a ruptured spleen as well as multiple bullet fragments in his lungs.  It also seems he has a few puncture wounds from what seems to be a hunting knife. Whoever did this had every intention to kill him out of anger. You can see him now if you would like, although it is highly unlikely he will even respond" The doctor said with a rather grim expression on his face. Kakashi nodded as he got up to follow the doctor to Naruto's room. How could anyone want to kill his blond? The boy was the embodiment of happiness, and never failed to make others happy.

The doctor gestured for the silver-haired male to enter the room, informing him not to shake the patient. Or even attempt to wake him as it could lead to the patient's heart rate increasing. All Kakashi could do was nod his head as his eyes were glued to his blond. The boy looked rather peaceful sleeping, as if nothing had happened. But taking a closer look Kakashi could see the sickly blue bruises and cuts that decorated his lover's face. He blinked back the tears, and tried to rid the lump in his throat. The beeping of the heart monitor slowly drowned out his thoughts and questions. Naruto was captivating, but for all the wrong reasons.

"N-Naruto? Oh my god I should've picked you up from work... You would still be in great health if it weren't for me." Kakashi whispered as he stood beside the bed, looking down at Naruto's face. His lips didn't twitch, and his eyes never opened. His fingers didn't move, and his legs laid still. It was almost as if he was dead, except for the slow rise of his chest. Just seeing him so vulnerable made Kakashi bubble with anger and regret. He had to pick up a special gift for Naruto that was an engagement ring. He was going to propose at a restaurant called The Dead Fish, which was Naruto's favorite, and it would've been perfect. But here he was, the engagement ring left untouched in his pocket.

"My little blond, how I adore you," his fingers searched for the ring in his pocket," and how I love you. Tonight I was going to ask you to marry me by having the waiter drop the ring in your wine. Hopefully you would see it before you drank it, but you're a dumbass. And I would save you from choking, and there would be no way you could turn me down" Kakashi said, a weak smile gracing his lips. His eyes begged for a small movement from the blonde, but all was still. His hand reached for Naruto's left one, slowly sliding the ring onto the ring finger. It was a small diamond that was tinted blue, and on the band it said "Forever, Baka". Yes he knew they would get new rings for marriage, but his dobe deserved the best.

"It says 'Forever, Baka' . I meant to put it in your wine at the restaurant I made a reservation for. But you didn't make it, and I feel bad for not driving you. But that should teach you to not be the Hero next time" Kakashi chuckled nervously. The blond stayed still, and yet Kakashi had a slight hope that Naruto would at least twitch. He nodded his head, as if understanding why Naruto didn't respond. All he could think of was what the blond would be saying to him, right then. He could imagine the blond smiling, shaking off the fact he almost died. He had a knack for making things seem less intense then they truly are. But that was a reason everyone wanted to be around Naruto when they were down.

"Just get better baka, I want to propose. And at our wedding I will put you in a dress. Iruka can give you away as a dad. You will have the females as your bridesmaids and I will have the guys as my groomsmen. And we will have a food fight, and make love afterwards. Okay?" A small chuckle escaped his frowning lips. He leaned forward, holding Naruto's hand, and pecked him on the lips. He opened his eyes, hoping to see blue ones looking back at him. But all he saw was his eye lashes and skin. He sighed in disappointment as he pulled away, and turned to walk away. He took a few steps before he heard the moving of sheets and clothe. He looked back to see a scrunched up face.

"Kakashi..." His voice croaked out. Kakashi smiled, but still knowing this was too good to be true. As soon as blue eyes made contact with grey ones, a loud beeping sound pierced the room. Kakashi's heart dropped as he looked at the heart monitor, recognizing the flat line. A scream escaped his lips, filling the once silent room. He raced back to the bed, frantically shaking Naruto as his eyes had closed. His eyes had been open, he knew it. How could he have gone from stable to flat line? There was no way! He heard footsteps approaching the door, and doctors yelling code blue. A female doctor pried Kakashi away from his lover, telling him he would have to wait in the hallway.

"Naruto!" He screamed as he was pushed out of the room. He collapsed to his knees, looking at the door. He knew that Naruto wouldn't make it. The blonde fought to regain consciousness and that was to whisper his name, one last time. He wondered what he had done wrong to deserve this. Naruto shouldn't have gone through this and yet he had. Kakashi pulled himself off the ground, and walked back to the waiting room. This was exactly why he hated hospitals. They smelled of sickness, and death filled the room. And no matter what, everyone stared if they knew you lost a loved one. He would know as it had happened 5 times, 6 counting Naruto.

Omg I accidently deleted the last one-shot, so I edited a sns one-shot to make it kakanaru. I feel like an idiot for doing that lol. Well I hope you enjoyed this one, so bye.


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