24 | Movie Stars

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Movie Stars

Third Person P. O. V.

Naruto waved at the roaring crowd, smiling at the flashing cameras. He even posed for some of the fans, winking at a few. The funny part was that he wasn't even on the red carpet or anything. No, he was going on a date with a fellow friend of his.

You see, Naruto was a famous actor known for his many roles in big movies. The one he was most popular for was a movie called "You Never Walk Alone" staring him (as a rather awkward, innocent adult) and actor Kakashi Hatake (who played an equally awkward, yet not so innocent man). Of course, it was a love story between the two male characters, who had been shipped by almost everyone.

And if the characters were shipped, so were they.

"Do you think you and Kakashi will get married?"

"Will you two have kids?"

"What will your kids names be?"

"Will there be a sequel to 'You Never Walk Alone'?"

Naruto only smiled at his adoring fans, putting a single finger to his lips as if to say 'I'll never tell'. The single act made even more fans roar and bombard him with even more questions. He waved his hand at the fans as he reached the door, saying goodbye and blowing kisses. When he finally walked in, he was greeted with the delicious smell of pizza, and men's cologne.

"It's good to see you again Naruto" Kakashi said, pulling the shorter blond into an embrace. Naruto took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent of Kakashi. It was a mixture between fresh rain and the forest.

It was so natural.

"Good to see you too Kakashi. Man, the fans are going crazy over us" Naruto chuckled as he pulled away from Kakashi, and followed him to their table.

When they finally sat down at the table, Naruto took the moment to look at what Kakashi was wearing. Unlike their usual suit and ties, they were both wearing jeans and shirts. Kakashi had on a silver shirt while Naruto had baby blue. Almost matching some would say.

"Yeah, it's kinda out of hand. I hope it's not overwhelming or pressuring you, Naruto. If this is what the fans want, and not you, just tell me now" Kakashi said, a sad smile on his face. Naruto shook his head, putting his hands up and shaking them too.

"No, that's not what is happening at all. I just think that they are really hyped and excited about us. I hope you don't feel that way Kakashi" Naruto nervously chuckled.

Before Kakashi could reply, the waitress had come to take down their orders.

"Good evening gentlemen; what can I get for you today?" She asked, smiling down at the both of them. It wasn't a flirtatious smile of any sort, just a warm smile they would often get when they were together.

"I would like the Chicken Alfredo pizza, root beer, and he will have the Pesto Pizza with root beer as well. Mediums" Kakashi said, adding a wink at the end.

The waitress simply nodded her head as she wrote down the order, and left. Naruto could only stare at Kakashi, a smile creeping onto his face.

"You know Kakashi, I get all tingly when you take charge like that" Naruto joked, winking at him.

Kakashi chuckled at Naruto, shaking his head. Sometimes when Naruto tried to act sexy, it only made him seem adorable and small.

"Yeah, and my body quivers when you submit to me" Kakashi joked right back, winking as well. Naruto was 100% sure that if he were drinking, or had anything in his mouth, he would have either spit it out or choked on it.

They always joked like that, no matter what the situation or where they were. Even on twitter they would tweet sexual jokes and little flirts to each other, causing the fans to go wild. It would get even worse when they would act upon the jokes, especially when they would hug, or kiss.

"Here are your drinks, gentlemen" The waitress said, setting both of their drinks onto the table.

"Thank you" they said in unison. The lady smiled as she retreated back to behind the counter.

Yes, some stars prefered a more fancier setting, with wine and steak. However, Naruto and Kakashi enjoyed a more laid back setting with root beer and pizza. They were, as most would say, much more humble and grateful.

"You know, this is actually fun. We don't have many fans in here, and if so, they haven't bothered us" he paused as he put the root beer to his lips, taking a huge gulp" We also get to be ourselves when we're together" Kakashi finished.

"You're right" Naruto took a gulp of his drink, then bringing it up into the air, in front of him and Kakashi" To us" he chuckled.

"To us" Kakashi replied, clinking his root beer with Naruto's.

Just a short little drabble of movie star kakanaru. I just want to test the waters with this type of thing, you know? I might make another part for this one-shot, but we will have to see. Bye.


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