Chapter 51 : "Big fat butt head"

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Chapter 51


Jeff POV

Sebastian was in the shower right now. We hadn't seen Nick all day, so I'm guessing he just stayed in his dorm room.

I had my arms wrapped around Alex tightly. I was sort of feeling extra protective of her because she was still really upset.

For once, she was curled up in my arms, and I was the one doing the comforting.

She had her head turned into my chest. She wasn't crying, but she didn't want to talk to anyone about anything.



"Can we do something? Please? I feel bad that you're miserable. I don't know what to do to help because you won't tell me."

"Because I don't know either."

"Can we go for a walk? Please? We've been shut up here all day."

"But it's getting late."

"It's not that late. Please?"


"Come on."

I got her out of bed, and made her put on shoes and a sweatshirt. I did the same, and then we walked out into the Dalton parking lot.

"Where are we going, Jeff?"

"I don't know. Just for a walk. I brought some money. We could go get something to eat if you want."

"Jeff, I just want to go back inside. It's cold out here."

"Let's go walk down to the restaurant and grab some food. You'll feel better once you eat."


"Stop complaining! We're going!"

I took her hand, and started walking down the sidewalk. We got to a restaurant, and Alex refused to order anything. So I ordered spaghetti for us to share.

"Why are you so mopey?" I asked.

"Because our best friend just moved out. How are you not affected like at all by this?"

"I am! I'm upset, but Nicky will get over it, right? He just needs time. That's what you always say about everything. Give it time, and it'll get better, right?"

"I don't know if that's the case this time, Jeffy."

We finished our dinner, mostly in silence. I was feeling really optimistic about life at the moment. And I was sure everything would turn out ok because so far, my life has turned out pretty ok.

I paid for dinner, and then we left the restaurant.

"Jeff, this was a bad idea. It's snowing really hard now."

"Oh... Yeah, it was supposed to snow tonight... Oops..."

Alex pushed my shoulder a little, and I laughed. I got her to smile, which only made me smile more.

I took her hand in mine, and we started running to try to get home. It was freezing!

"Hold on."

I stopped us before we went back into Dalton.

"What is it, Jeffy?"

"I love you, ok? And I know you love me too, but I want to be there for you. I want to be the person you can come to, because that's what you do for me."

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