Chapter 12 : Friends?

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Chapter 12

The next day... 

Alex POV

So Jeff had spilt his breakfast all over himself this morning... And breakfast was pancakes and syrup. He was all sticky, so I sent him upstairs to go shower.

Nick and I were having breakfast right now down in the cafeteria.

"Alex, I need to tell you something..."

I looked up at Nick.

"Please don't say you're in love with me too."

"No, I'm not. Uh... So last night... Jeff made me go look for you. So the first place I went to look was Sebastian's room. And he was really concerned about you. He has feelings for you, Alex. Real feelings. I wasn't going to tell you because I didn't want to stress you out, but it was stressing me out that I had this secret! I'm sorry..."

I sighed.

"It's ok... I just don't know what I'm going to do about him..."

"What are your thoughts?"

"My thoughts are... I love Jeff, and I want to stay with him. But... Sebastian just... I don't even know anymore..."

"I think you should stay with Jeff."

"Ok, good... That's what I want to do..."

"Are you ready to turn in the project today?"

"Yup. You?"



Alex POV

Finally class was over. I was going to go to my locker when someone grabbed my arm, and pulled me to the side of the hall. It was Sebastian.

"Hey. I just wanted to say thanks for helping us get an A on the project."

"Uh... You're welcome."

"Wait! Um... I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner tonight."


"Before you say anything, it's not a date. It's just to celebrate getting an A."

I sighed.


"Fine, but it's not a date."

"Awesome! I'll pick you up at 6:00, ok?"

"Sure, whatever..."

I left, and quickly walked over to my locker, which is where Jeff and Nick were waiting for me.

"What did he want?" Nick asked.

"Nothing... He just wants to celebrate our A on the project tonight."

"What does that mean!?" Jeff asked.

"He's just taking me out to dinner tonight or something."


"It's not a date, Jeff. Don't worry."

He gave me a look.

"Stop being grumpy," I said, nudging him.

"This isn't ok!"

"Jeff, it's not a date. Calm down."

"It's totally a date! He's taking you out to dinner!"

"To celebrate our A! That's all!"

"Why are you letting him take you out?"

"I don't know! Because I didn't want him to keep bothering me, so I just agreed, ok?"

"Alex!" Jeff whined.

"Jeff. Look. You're my boyfriend. And going out to dinner with Sebastian isn't going to change that. I promise. I love you, and only you, ok?"

He crossed him arms.


"I'm not talking to you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Fine then you're not getting cuddles tonight."


Jeff marched away from us. I really didn't care though. He's being a big baby.

"Come on. Let's go grab a snack. I'm really hungry," Nick said.



Alex POV

I heard a knock on the door, and I answered it. It was Sebastian.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, let me just grab my jacket."

I looked over at Jeff, who was glaring at me from under the covers. He'd been curled up in bed all day since we got done with school. And he won't talk to me.

I grabbed my jacket, slid it on, and followed Sebastian out the door. Before he'd come over, Nick told me to text him if I need anything at all because of Sebastian. So I had my phone too.

We walked out of Dalton, and down the road.

"Where are we going?"

"Just the place about a block from here."


We finally got there, and got seated.

"Dinner's on me. Order anything you want," Sebastian said.


We ordered, and then sat there awkwardly in silence.

"So why did you want to take me out to dinner?" I asked.

"To celebrate our A. I already said that."

"Sebastian. What's the real reason?"

"Ok, look... I get that you're with Jeff. And I really like you. If I can't be your boyfriend right now, can we at least be friends?"


"I'll be nice to Nick and Jeff too. I just want to get to know you better. Nobody likes me, and I don't have any friends here. I just want someone I can trust."

"Well maybe if you weren't such a jerk all the time, you'd have friends."

"I know... Please can you at least consider it? I could really use a friend here."


"Because I just do, ok? It's hard not being able to talk to anyone. It feels like I'm just all alone."

I sighed. This boy must have like magic powers because somehow, he's making me feel bad for him.

"Fine. We can try it, ok? But if you hurt Jeff or threaten him or anything, we're done. Forever."

"Ok. Deal."

A/N : So do you guys think Sebastian's intentions are good or bad?

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