Chapter 39 : Mini date night

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Chapter 39


Jeff POV

I sat straight up.

"You're ok, you're ok, you're ok!" Alex said, putting her arm around me.

I crumpled into her lap, trying not to cry.

"You're ok, Jeffy. Don't cry. Just relax."

"Stupid freaking nightmares!" I shouted.

She rubbed my back.

"Come on. It's about time for dinner."

"I don't want dinner!"

"Jeff, you need to stop being so fussy, and come down for dinner."

"I am not fussy!"

I sat up, frowning at her.

"Jeff, please take a breath, and calm down for a second. I know you're grumpy, but please. Think rationally. Let's go have dinner."

"Fine, bossy..."

She didn't say anything. She just took my hand, and brought me down for dinner. We met up with Nick and Sebastian.

"He doesn't look to happy," Sebastian said, pointing at me.

"Well sorry for having nightmares every time I fall asleep! I can't control it!"

"Jeff, stop shouting," Alex said.

"Why don't you stop telling me what to do!?"

I got up, and started running away. I got to our dorm room, and Alex was about 10 feet behind me. I slammed the door, and hid under the covers.


She pulled the covers off of me, and sat down on the bed. She put her hand on my shoulder.


"I can't!"

"You can't what?"

"I can't talk about anything else! I'm too tired! Just leave me alone!"

She laid down, and wrapped her arms around me from behind. I was all tense in her arms.

"Jeff, if you don't want to talk, that's ok. I know you're stressed out. But I need you to eat. You can eat up here if you want, but I need you to eat, ok?"

I sighed, and relaxed in her arms.

"You're not mad at me?"


"I'm sorry... I don't know why I just acted like that."

"You're stressed out. That's why. I get it, Jeff. But the last thing I want to do is yell at you for it. I can't do that to you."

"I want to eat, I just don't feel hungry."

"How about this? I'll ask Sebastian and Nick to go pick up some take out from the restaurant down the road. I'll tell them to go hang out somewhere else, and we can have a date night, ok? You don't have to eat dinner all at once. We can just have it here so you can take a bite here and there, ok?"

"You're too nice to me," I said, blushing a bit.

"Jeff, it's because I love you."

"I love you too..."

We both sat up.

"Look. I know you're stressed out. I know things suck right now. I don't care if you have a few moments like this, just try your best to handle yourself, ok? That's all I ask. I can handle it if you try your best."

"Ok... Thank you... And thank you for not yelling at me. I hate when people yell..."

"I know, Jeff."

She put her fingers under my chin, and made me look her in the eyes.

"I love you, ok?" She asked.

I nodded.

"I love you too... Especially for putting up with me..."

She leaned closer, and kissed me. I immediately smiled and relaxed. She can make me forget everything with a kiss.

"I'll text Nick to go get us some food, ok?" She asked, pulling away.

"Yeah," I said, sighing happily.

"Aw, there's that smile."

I blushed hard. Alex laughed a little, and texted Nick.


Alex POV

I was finally starting to see a little bit of Jeff's dominant side, which he rarely ever showed.

I was doing anything I could to make him forget about everything that was bothering him. We'd watched a movie and cuddled. I asked him what he wanted to do after that, and he said he wanted kisses. I thought it was cute how he chose his words. It was like he was too embarrassed to say he wanted a make out session. That's basically what we were having.

I was laying on the bed, and Jeff was half hovering over me, keeping himself up by leaning on his elbows. And he was kissing me sweetly. He was too innocent to turn it into anything serious, but I was honestly fine with that. I like his innocence.

Jeff rolled over onto his back, sighing. I sat up a little, and smiled at him. He had his eyes closed, and he had the biggest smile ever on his face. I ran my fingers through his hair, and he smiled more.

"Mmmm... That feels good," he mumbled.

The door opened, and Nick came in.

"Oh... Was I interrupting something?" He asked.

"Nope. You came back at a good time. We just finished our little make out session."

I looked at Jeff, who was blushing like crazy now.

"Well... I don't need to know the details. But you two had a good night?" Nick asked.

"Yeah. Well I did. I think Jeff did too."

"Mhmmm..." Jeff mumbled.

"Good. I'm glad. You guys ready for bed?"


Jeff curled up into my arms.

"I don't want to," he whimpered quietly.

"I know, Jeff. Please just try. You need to get some sleep. And you know I'll be right here if you have a nightmare."

He sighed.

"Come on, Jeffy. Try for me."

I kissed his nose.

"Please? I promise I'll keep you safe," I whispered.

"I'll try."

"That's all I'm asking."

I pulled the covers over us even more as Nick shut off the light. Jeff snuggled down into my arms even more.

"Night, Jeffy."


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