Chapter 14 : Sebastian to the rescue

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Chapter 14

A few days later...

Jeff POV 

So our school was having a football game against McKinley High School, and Trent and David asked us if we wanted to go watch it. Nick and Alex said yes, so that meant I was going too. Unfortunately, they invited Sebastian, and he was coming too. I was really mad.

And we had to get a ride from Alex's uncle. The game was at the other school. 

The only good thing was that it was a friday, and that meant lots of cuddles tonight because we could stay up late. We wouldn't have to get up early tomorrow for school.

Right now, Alex, Nick, Trent, David, Sebastian, and I were all sitting on the bleachers, watching the game. It was probably almost over. We'd been sitting here for like an hour and a half, and my butt hurt. The bleachers weren't soft. I also had to go to the bathroom, but Alex kept telling me to wait until it was over because apparently she knew it was almost over somehow.

But it wasn't ending, and I really had to go.



"I need to go. Like right now. I can't wait any longer," I said, shuffling my feet a little.

"Are you sure you can't wait?"

"Yes. I've been waiting."

"Jeff, it's almost over."

"I have to go really bad!"

"Fine. But I'm not walking you there."


"Because I want to see the end of the game! Either you can wait, and I'll walk you there, or you can go now by yourself."

"I need to go now. Where are the bathrooms?"

"I don't know. You'll have to go find them by yourself."


I jumped up from my spot, and carefully made my way down the bleachers. I had to walk sort of far away to get to the bathrooms, but I finally made it there. And I quickly did my business. 

When I came out, I noticed a lot more people had come in the bathroom. After I washed my hands, I came out, finding that the game had ended, and everyone was leaving.

I tried to find my way back, but I was really confused. All the bleachers looked the same, and I didn't know where I was going.

I moved off to the side, away from all the chaos. I really hate crowded places.

I didn't realize it at first, but a few people were crowding around me, and they looked kind of scary.

"Are you from Dalton?" One of the guys asked.


"You're here supporting your pathetic little football team?"

"U-um... Y-yeah..."

"You're so pathetic. Just like everyone else at that school. We might have to beat you up."


I started backing up, but I didn't get very far because I backed into a fence.

The guys started walking closer. I couldn't think straight anymore, and I was about to start crying.

"Hey. What are you doing to him?"

I looked to my left, and Sebastian walked over to me.

"Are you from Dalton too?" 

"Yeah, I am. You got a problem with that?"

"We don't like people like you on our territory."

"Well I don't like people like you picking on my friends! Why don't you go pick on someone your own size?"

"How about you?"

"Sure. Try me. I've fought guys bigger than you before. Go ahead. See what happens."

Sebastian was standing in front of me now. I could just feel a panic attack coming on. I was biting my bottom lip super hard, trying to clear my head, and tell myself everything was ok. But my brain knew I wasn't.

I started hyperventilating. I had to sit down on the ground because I felt so lightheaded and dizzy. I couldn't hear what Sebastian was saying anymore. I pulled my knees to my chest, feeling like I was about to die.

"Jeff, are you ok?"

I looked up. Sebastian was crouched down in front of me.

I started crying. I was having a panic attack. And I hate the current situation I'm in.

"Jeff, it's ok. They're gone."

"W-where's A-Alex!?"

"I don't know. I sort of got separated from them when we were all leaving."

I couldn't get myself to calm down. I was sitting in the dirt with my worst enemy, feeling completely vulnerable. And Alex wasn't here to save me.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?"

"I-I'm having a p-panic a-attack!" I stuttered out.

"What can I do to help?"

"I-I d-don't know."

I tried to imagine Alex was here, and just get myself to calm down. I shut my eyes tight, and after a few minutes, the panic attack passed. I opened my eyes again, surprised to see Sebastian still here. He was sitting on the ground, looking at me. I wiped my eyes on the sleeve of my sweat shirt.

"You ok now?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said, sniffling.

Sebastian stood up, and held his hand out to me. I hesitated at first, but then I took it, and he helped me up. We walked to the parking lot together, and found Alex's uncle's car. 

I slid into the back with Nick and Sebastian.

"Hey. You ok?" Nick asked.

"I'm fine."

I buckled my seat belt, and didn't say anything the whole ride back to Dalton.

When we got back, I walked up to my room with everyone. I was surprised Sebastian hadn't said anything about what just happened.

Nick unlocked the door, and I immediately jumped into bed, and buried myself under the covers.

I heard whispering between Nick and Alex, but I didn't care what it was about. I was really tired from my panic attack, and I just felt miserable. I wanted to cuddle with Alex, and fall asleep in her arms.


The covers were pulled off of me, and I saw Alex.

"Did something happen tonight? With Sebastian?"


"You're just acting very strange."

"I want to go take a shower," I said, getting up.

"Jeff, wait," Alex said, grabbing my wrist.

I sat down on the bed again, and sighed.

"What happened?"

"These guys almost beat me up. And Sebastian came over, and threatened them back. He was like ready to fight them. And I got scared and had a panic attack. It's embarrassing, and I don't want to talk about it anymore!"

I grabbed my pjs, and slammed the bathroom door shut, leaving Alex sitting on the bed, confused.

A/N : What do you guys think about that?

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