Chapter 13 : Hanging with Sebastian

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Chapter 13


Alex POV 

Sebastian walked me back to my room, and then left. I walked in, finding Jeff in the same spot he was in when I left. I ignored him, and climbed up to Nick's bed. Nick was working on homework.

"How was it?" He asked.

"I'll tell you later. Did you figure out the homework for geometry yet?"

"Kind of... Do you want to help?"


I grabbed my books, and started working on the homework with Nick.


Alex POV

As soon as Jeff got in the shower, I pulled Nick out in the hallway to talk.

"So what happened tonight with Sebastian?"

"Ok, don't hate me when I tell you this."

"Then don't tell me you're dating him."

"I'm not. He just said that he doesn't have any friends, and he wants to get to know me better. And he asked if we could be friends. And I said yes."

"Alex! How could you!?"

"Look. He promised to be nice to you and Jeff. And I told him if he does anything mean, then that's it, and he's lost his chance forever."

"Alex, this isn't a good idea."

"Nick, he just needs a friend."


"I don't know. He didn't say why. But doesn't everybody need a friend?"

"Alex, this is a stupid idea."

"Please just go along with it. I already know Jeff is going to hate me for it. But I'm not doing anything wrong. We're just friends now. Not boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Yeah, but you're friends with Jeff's bully."

"He promised to be nice. Please give him a chance. That's what I'm doing."

"Fine. He gets one chance."

"Thank you."

We went back inside. I got into bed since it was getting late. Nick got into his.

A little while later, Jeff came out, and crawled into bed next to me. He kept looking at me, but avoiding my eyes.

"Jeff, are you ok?" I asked, running my hand through his hair.

"I want cuddles..."

"Fine. Come here."

I shut off the light, and let Jeff wrap his arms around me tightly.


"You good?" I asked.


We said our goodnights. Jeff cuddled even more into my side. He kept crawling up closer to my face, and then he kissed me.

"Go to sleep, you goofball," I said after we pulled away.

"Love you..."

"I love you too, Jeff."

The next day...

Alex POV

We walked to the cafeteria for lunch. I saw Sebastian sitting all alone in the corner, and I figured maybe I should go see if he wants to sit with us.

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