Chapter 50 : Room switch

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Chapter 50

Middle of the night...

Jeff POV

I woke up to find Alex crying again. I wrapped my arms around her tight, and pulled her to my chest, trying to think of anything I could do to comfort her.

"Alex... Please don't cry..." I whispered.

"I'm so sorry for kissing Sebastian."

"It's ok... I forgive you... Please don't cry. You always tell me life will work itself out. So that's what it'll do. You don't have to worry."

She hid her face in my chest.

"I love you. Don't cry."

I pulled the blankets over us some more.

"I promise everything will be ok. You always tell me the same thing, and you're right. Everything always turns out ok. Please trust me. I hate when you're upset. I love you so much, and it's hurting my heart."

"I love you too, Jeffy."

I kissed the top of her head, and held her to me even tighter.

She calmed down, and I was able to fall back asleep again.


Alex POV

I felt miserable. It was a Saturday, thank god. I didn't have to try to pull myself together for class.

"Do you need anything else?" Jeff asked, sitting on the bed.

"No... Thanks, Jeff."

"No problem."

Jeff had been so sweet to me this morning. He went to the cafeteria to bring me breakfast so I didn't have to go down.

I have absolutely no idea how he handled everything last night. I swear, I thought he'd freak out, have a panic attack, and be a complete mess. But it was actually quite the opposite somehow. And I was glad for that.

Maybe he's really finally starting to get better again.

So the whole problem about telling Jeff was solved. But now I had to deal with whatever Sebastian thought on the topic, and whatever Nick thought.

I knew I'd see him again, even if he still wanted to move out. He had to get his things that were in the room still.

"Please eat. It's bothering me," Jeff said.

"I'm just not hungry, Jeff."

"I don't care! You always make me eat when I don't want to."


"Look... You can either eat it yourself, or I'm going to feed you every bite."

I looked up at him. He had this look in his eyes that told me he was being dead serious.

"Fine, I'll eat..." I mumbled.

I ate breakfast. Jeff was watching me closely the whole time.

"Do you feel better yet?" Jeff asked.


He moved beside me, and wrapped his arms around me.

"Thanks, Jeff."

I messed with his hair a little, which I knew he liked. He fell into my lap, giggling.

I started tickling him. He squirmed around, trying to get away.

"S-stop! I c-can't breathe!"

I didn't stop, and he kept laughing.


He kept squirming around. He was getting closer and closer to the edge of the bed. He was about to fall off, so I grabbed him, and pulled him back on the bed.

I stopped tickling him, and gave him a chance to catch his breath. He was laying on my lap, breathing hard.

He sat up after a minute, and looked at me.

"You made me tired," he mumbled.

"Good. You have too much energy today."

"Nuh uh. I have just the right amount."

Suddenly the door flew open, and we both jumped. It was Nick, and he had suitcases. He started packing up all of his stuff.

"Nick, please don't do this," I said, standing up.

Jeff stood up behind me, and took my hand.

"No. I can't deal with this. They said the only available room was Sebastian's, and Sebastian agreed to switch with me, so you can room with your boy toy instead of me because obviously I'll never be good enough."

"Nick, that's not true!"

"Then why'd you do what you did, huh? You knew we both liked you. And you picked him. I'm not good enough."


"I bet you didn't even tell Jeff, did you?"

"No, I did! And guess what!? We talked about it like mature people would, and didn't get any irrational ideas like moving out of the dorm room."

"Well sorry for being unwanted, but since it's clear you don't want me here, I'm leaving."

"Nicky, please don't!" Jeff said.

I could tell by Jeff's voice that he was trying so hard not to cry.

"Nick, come on. We want you here," I said, walking a little closer.

"Stay away from me. I want nothing to do with you anymore."

Jeff finally burst into tears.

"Nicky, please don't go!" Jeff cried, falling to his knees on the floor.

"Nick, I don't care if you're mad at me, but you can't do this to Jeff," I said.

He ignored me, and just kept packing his stuff up.

The dorm door opened, and Sebastian was standing there with his suitcases.

"Sup, roomies?"

Nick zipped up his suitcases, and stormed out, almost knocking Sebastian over on his way out.

"Well that was rude," Sebastian said, dusting himself off.

I calmed Jeff down again, and sat down on the bed.

"Hey, you guys alright?" Sebastian asked.

"Sebastian, I told Jeff what we did."

"Oh... And?"

"Everything's ok. But... I'm going to wait until Jeff gets better. I love him. I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's cool. I appreciate you giving me a chance."

I nodded.

"Sorry you had to move out of your room," I said.

"Are you kidding? I'd much rather room with you guys than be alone. Especially when I'm feeling upset. You guys are there for me, and I won't have to be alone."

"We can help each other," Jeff said.

"Yeah, we can," Sebastian said, sitting down on the bed.

"Need help unpacking?" I asked.

"Yeah, actually. Thanks."

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