Chapter 20 : Room assignments

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Chapter 20

A few days later...

Nick POV

So Jeff had been stressing out for the past few days. We'd tried out for the glee club. Alex and I were pretty confident that we did good. But Jeff was freaking out that he wasn't good enough, and Alex and I would get in, but he wouldn't.

But today we found out that we'd all gotten in. And we'd also found out that a certain someone had also gotten in.

I don't know what Sebastian's problem is. I don't know why he's still trying to make friends with us. It's over.

But he doesn't seem to get it somehow...

"What if I mess up!? I barely know the words and the choreography! We're going to our first competition this weekend! It's in like 3 days, and I don't know what I'm doing! What if they kick me out!?"

"Jeff. Don't worry. We'll practice," Alex said.

Jeff groaned, and pulled the covers over himself.

Typical Jeff...


Jeff POV

We were down in the cafeteria for dinner. I kept looking at Sebastian, sitting alone in the back of the cafeteria. And I was beginning to not like it. I didn't like him sitting alone. I know he bullied me, but he saved me from almost getting beat up. He could've just left me there to die!

"How come you don't ask Sebastian to sit with us anymore?" I asked.

"Because he's up to no good. He has bad intentions, Jeff," Nick said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."


I kept looking at Sebastian. Something's wrong with him. I can just feel it.


Jeff POV

"Ow! Stop! I don't like it!" I whined.

"Jeff, we have to keep your cuts clean so they don't get infected," Nick said, wiping my wrists.

"But it hurts!"

"Well you're just going to have to deal with it."

I growled a little. I hate this...

"Jeff, if you hadn't done it in the first place, you wouldn't have to suffer through the cleaning. Maybe you should remember that for next time."

"You're pressing too hard! Why can't Alex do it!?"

"Because she's busy talking to someone about room assignments for this weekend at the hotel."


"Because it says you're rooming with Sebastian. She's trying to get it switched so she rooms with you, and I room with Sebastian because right now, Alex and I are roommates, and so are you and Sebastian."

"Nick, I don't think Sebastian would do anything. He seems sort of nice now."

"It's all an act, Jeff. That's exactly what he wants, for you to believe him. Don't."



I sighed.


"Sorry. I'm almost done."

The door opened, and Alex came in.

"Any luck?" Nick asked.

"No... The teacher said it was done alphabetically, and they're not changing it. And obviously since Sterling is close to Smythe in the alphabet, chances are, they're going to be rooming together a lot when we have to go away for competitions."

Nick sighed.

"Well then we've got to prepare Jeff," Nick said.

"How?" Alex asked.

"We'll makes sure he's got his phone at all times. And we can have a code word so Sebastian doesn't know what's going on. We'll stay with him until it's absolutely necessary for him to go to his room. And we threaten Sebastian."

Nick put new bandages on my wrists for me. I curled up in bed, listening to them talking still...

"How are we supposed to threaten him?" Alex asked.

"I don't know yet. But we'll make him scared to even look at Jeff."

I sighed, and pulled the covers over my head. I get that Sebastian bullied me. But he seems different now. I didn't want to give him a chance at first, but he saved me. Why do Alex and Nick think he's bad? He saved me. He hasn't done anything wrong.

What if he really has no friends? What if he has no one? What if-



"I asked, are you nervous about rooming with Sebastian?" Alex asked.


Alex pulled the covers off of me.

"A little bit..." I said.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Ok, well if anything happens, the code word is pecan pie."


"Because it had to be something you wouldn't say on a daily basis."

"Ok... Pecan pie... That sounds funny..."


"Don't they make pie with fruit? How do you make a pie with nuts?"

"Uh... That's a good question... But pecan pie is the safe word, ok?"


"Text us, or tell us, and we'll get you out of whatever situation you're in, ok?"


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