Chapter 16 : The dance and Jeff

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A/N : I have a 2 hour delay today for no apparent reason, so I'm updating early!

Chapter 16


Jeff POV

I still felt so anxious inside after everything that happened tonight. I couldn't think straight either. And I think I shampooed my hair twice by accident. It's like really fluffy and soft now.

I took a really long shower because I kept thinking, and then realizing I was just standing there in the shower, doing nothing. Nick knocked on the door a few times, checking on me. And once I was in my pjs, I let him in. He checked my wrists for cuts, but I haven't put marks there in a while.

After I combed my hair and did everything I needed to do before bed, I came out of the bathroom. Alex and Nick were both in their pjs, and in their beds. I crawled into bed, and scooted all the way to the wall.

I don't know why, but I still feel incredibly anxious.

The lights went out.

Alex grabbed my hand under the covers.

"Jeff, don't you want cuddles?"


I crawled over to her, and curled up beside her. I held onto her hand tightly until I fell asleep.

The next day...

Jeff POV

"Jeff, wake up. It's time for breakfast," Alex said, shaking me.

I felt exhausted. I'd barely gotten any sleep last night. I still felt incredibly anxious, and I kept waking up.

I sighed, and sat up.

"You ok? You look really tired."

"I'm fine..."

I followed Alex and Nick downstairs to the cafeteria. And big surprise, they were sitting with Sebastian. Sebastian was sitting directly across from me, and he made me feel even more anxious. I felt his gaze on me, and I just felt embarrassed about everything that happened last night, and I didn't want to look at him.

So I didn't. I stared down at my pancakes, determined not to look up at him. I felt his stare on me still, and it was making me squirm.

"Do you want to hang out with us today?" Alex asked Sebastian.

I was cringing.

"Sure. I mean, if it's ok with you guys."

I was screaming no in my head.

"Cool. What do you want to do?"

"Well... I was actually thinking about trying out for the glee club... So maybe you guys can let me audition in front of you so I'm not as nervous when I have to do it for real. And maybe you guys can even tell me what you think."


We finished up, and then we went back up to our room. With Sebastian...

I sat on my bed, trying not to pay attention to him. But I couldn't help but listen to him when he sang. He sounded really good.

"So what did you guys think?" Sebastian asked when he was done singing.

"It was really good," Alex said.

"Yeah, I agree," Nick said.

"Alright, cool. Hey, you guys should try out too! Do you guys sing?"

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