Chapter 21 : Can't swim

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Chapter 21 

Day before the competition...

Jeff POV

I was on a bus, sitting next to Alex, on our way to Pennsylvania for one of our competitions. It's not that important because it doesn't matter if we win or lose. It's not regionals or anything like that yet. But if we win, we get money for our school.

I was curled up in my seat, leaning against Alex. Her uncle was coming too as one of the chaperones.

Sebastian was sitting in the seat diagonally in front of us. But he wasn't sitting with anyone. He was alone, and it was bothering me for some reason.

Finally we arrived at the hotel. It was about dinnertime, so after we went to our rooms, and got settled, we were heading out to get dinner at a place about a block or two away.

"Jeff, come with us, and then we'll go with you to your room," Nick said.

"But I can go to mine. I'm ok."

"No, you're not. Come with us."

I sighed, frustrated. I'm not a baby! And Sebastian won't hurt me, I don't think. I don't get why I can't go alone.

Yeah, I'm still a little nervous of Sebastian, but... I think I can handle it.

It didn't matter though because Nick and Alex dragged me to their room. I had to wait for them to get settled, and then they walked me to my room, and helped me get settled. Sebastian tried talking to us, but Alex and Nick wouldn't respond, and he just gave up.

"Come on, Jeff. Let's go wait in our room," Nick said, pulling me out the door.

I sighed, but didn't protest. Maybe I should just trust Alex and Nick. They're just trying to protect me, and maybe they know something I don't.


We went out to dinner, and Alex and Nick kept me far away from Sebastian. I need to stop thinking about this, and try to enjoy myself...


Jeff POV

I was extremely stressed out and scared right now. Most of the glee club had gone down to go swimming in the pool in the hotel. And Alex and Nick made me come. I didn't know how to swim though, and I was really scared of the water.

"Come on, Jeff," Alex said, pulling me over.

"N-no! I-I'm good!" I said, pulling out of her grip, and running over to the side.

"Jeff, what's wrong?" Alex asked, walking over.

Nick followed her.

"I c-can't swim!"

"You can't?"

"N-no! M-my dad n-never t-taught me!"

"Well then me and Nick can teach you. Come on."

"N-no! I'm f-fine!"

"Jeff, come on. You've been scared to do things before. But you can trust us. We won't let anything bad happen to you. We can start off in the shallow end, ok?"

"Promise you won't let me die?"

"I promise, Jeff. Nick and I won't let anything happen."

"Ok, fine..."

I followed them over to the pool. I saw Sebastian sitting on the side of the pool, looking bored.

Alex took my hand, and pulled me down the steps of the pool. It was heated, so it wasn't cold.

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