Chapter 42 : Break up

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A/N : Ahhh! Please don't kill me once you read this! Stressful chapter...

Chapter 42

Middle of the night...

Alex POV

I woke up to screeches. Jeff was screeching next to me. 

All I could think was that I was so happy he was finally awake.

"Jeffy, what's wrong?"

I could see from the heart monitor that his heart was racing.

Some nurses came in, obviously hearing the commotion. 

They sort of restrained him, and put something in his IV, which I assumed would calm him down a little.

"W-why am I h-here!? I w-want t-to go home!"

"Jeffy, you had a panic attack, hit your head, and almost died from hypothermia," I said, holding his hand in mine still.

"I-it hurts!"

"What hurts?"

"M-my head!"

"I know, you had to get stitches."


"Jeffy, what do you remember?"

"I-I remember r-running outside. B-but nothing after t-that."

The nurses started doing all these tests, like taking his temperature. And then they needed to test his blood. Jeff started screeching again.

"Jeff, calm down. It's almost over."

"I-it hurts!"

"I know."

Finally all the tests were over. Jeff was all worked up. He was basically a whimpering mess.

"Hey. I'm going to talk to one of the doctors about how he's been acting, ok?" My uncle asked.

"Ok," I said.

He left, and Jeff started freaking out again.

"Jeff, stop. Calm down."

"W-what's going t-to happen!?"

"He's just going to talk to your doctor about your anxiety and stuff."

"W-why!? You t-told him!?"

"Jeff, you're really not doing well right now. You almost died today. If you had been out there a few more hours, you would've been dead. I don't want something like this to happen again. Especially with your depression. I'm not losing you."

He cried into the pillow, and I just let him. He needs to let out some of his feelings. And I wanted him to get tired out so he'd stop freaking out so much. 

"When c-can I l-leave?"

"When the doctors say so. Try to go to sleep, Jeffy."

He wanted cuddles. I knew he did. He was just too shy to say so because he knows I'm being firm about wanting him to go to sleep.

I pulled him closer to me, and felt him relax a bit. I was exhausted. And I fell back asleep almost immediately.

Jeff POV

The nurse came back in, and started asking me all these questions. I hated it. She made me answer all these personal things. I felt so vulnerable. 

"Alright, we'll do more tests on the blood we just took. And after we get the results back, we can discuss possible options of treatment for him. I just need him to pee in a cup so we can test that too."

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