Chapter 3. Coffee Shop and Advice

Start from the beginning

Praepalin wasn't chosen to be in the Sun&Moon contest just because she was beautiful.  She was also one of the top females in her year academically.  She was smart.  She decided before she'd jump to any conclusions she'd wait and do some more investigating.


The problem was Kongpop.

Kong was talking really fast. Praepalin was having a hard time keeping up. 

 "So let me get this right."

"Arthit gets off work at five," correct?"


"You're busy every night till at least eight," right?"


The bustle of the mini- cafe inside the universities main cafeteria was loud and she had to speak with her voice raised so that Kong could hear her.

"Aim is done classes every day early especially now that the hazing is over."


"And May has to be at school every night now because she's joined two clubs this year."


"Your mad because Aim and Arthit spend every evening together?"

"Yes.  They even eat dinner together most nights.  Yesterday Aim said he and Arthit were going to "their" favourite restaurant.  God Praepalin,  Arthit and I don't even have a favourite restaurant."  

Kong's tone of voice sounded half childish and yet,  he was serious.  He was seriously jealous.

"I'll be right back." Praepalin took their empty cups and dropped them in the bin. This gave her a chance to think.  Ordering two more coffees she returned and placed them on the table. "Hot"

Removing the lid, Kong took the wooden stir-stick and swirled the coffee in a circle. 

 Praepalin could see he was having a rough time but couldn't bring herself to tell him what she'd seen.  Not yet.  Not until she was sure.

"He's told you that he loves you right?"

"Yes he has,  Kong's voice softened when he spoke.  "Believe me, he knows how to be sweet and romantic, he's  done it.  In fact, when he tries it's crazy good.  Oh, Praepalin,  he can be so sexy,  he drives me mental."  

These words brought a smile to Kong's face.  His eyes wandered off for a moment.  Praepalin watched as he was clearly thinking about something fanciful and dreamy.

Shaking him from his little fantasy, "Kong,"


"Did you really expect every moment of your relationship to be fun and games, bliss and joy?"

"C'mon, I'm not saying that, I.. I.."

Kong took a sip of the hot creamy coffee. Praepalin saw that his face was now void of the beautiful smile she knew so well.

If she didn't do something soon,  Kongpop would surely drive himself further into his depression.  She had only seen him like this twice before.  Both times it was Arthit related.

Once,  when Arthit stayed overnight at Kong's dorm.  Kong told her the whole story.  How Arthit asked if Kong liked him,  and,  why he did all the nice things he did. He told her how he laid beside Arthit in the dark and told him everything,  he confessed.  

Kong also said that he believed Arthit was pretending to sleep and that he'd really heard what Kong had said.  Kong believed that was why Arthit was so cold and avoided him afterwards.  

Being Arthit & Kongpop. from SOTUS the Series  Book 1 of 3Where stories live. Discover now