Chapter 29

16 1 3

'A Twist In Fate'

I rolled over to the side of my bed and opened my eyes to see a shirtless Shawn stare down at me. He gave me one of his cute, lazy and charming smile when he realised that I was awake.
"Good morning beautiful," he murmured while tenderly putting a strand of hair behind my hair.
"Morning. What were you doing?" I asked.
"Just staring at my one hell of a girlfriend" he replied with a smirk playing on his lips.
"Interesting." I hopped off my bed but was soon pulled back. Shawn leant in but I softly smacked his cheek and dashed for the bathroom.
"Morning breath idiot," I said before closing the door behind me.

I continued with my morning routine whilst yelling out the lyrics to old classics. I got out of the bathroom and rushed into the closet with the cold air hitting my bare shoulders and feet.
A beautiful blue dress was laid across the couch with black pumps along with that solid black gown and that rhombus or whatever shaped hat. I wanted my outfit to be perfect so I asked Carol to help me with it and she did a pretty good job seeing that I didn't  have to waste 15 minutes of my life debating on what the hell I should wear. I put on the dress quickly and then make my way to Carol's room for her to help me with the makeup shit. For one thing I knew she was already dressed as she was obsessed with being punctual.

She happily agreed as she didn't want one-third of her graduation pictures to have some lunatic hobo by her side. She made me sit on the stool while she worked her magic. She curled my hair loosely and applied some gooey stuff and basically made me look presentable.

Finally I was ready. I put on my shoes on and grabbed my phone and tried to go down the stairs without tripping on my own foot. Carol and I were supposed to arrive first for our seating arrangements while the others would join the ceremony later. So we got into my jeep and drove down to that institution that I had spent 4 years in.

As the clock ticked by, the auditorium was filled with crying mothers, proud fathers, annoying siblings, supporting friends and a whole variety of people. Our whole group was here too.

Soon, the Principal gave a signal saying that the ceremony was to begin. First, everyone was handed their diplomas and then the valedictorian of this year which happened to be me, was supposed to make the speech.

I took slow steps to the modem and on reaching it, I tapped the mic to see if it was working ( actually no. I wanted to seem sophisticated).

"Hello, the class of 2016! We have all gathered here today to celebrate the  very last moment of the most important part of our lives. We are here to celebrate our hard work. We are here to realise that now we will be unleashed to the real mankind. We won't have anyone to guide us about petty things. We are here to decide our future. 4 years in this school. Some days were bad while some were phenomenal. We went through a lot of things. When there was hate in one corner, there was always love in the other. Each one of us here should be proud of ourselves to have successfully passed this test. A lot of weird things happened to me as an individual in this school. In the beginning I was treated differently for being related to someone famous. Time passed and things changed and I was finally treated like someone normal. Then this year things got a little out of hand and the amount of love I got from you all was overwhelming. Thank you to all my friends for the support. Thank you to the teachers for believing in me and loving me unconditionally. Thank you to this school for making me who I am today. And we the Class of 2016 proudly sign off. Thank you."
And with that I got off the stage. The whole batch formed a big circle and on the count of three, we all threw our caps up in the air and huddled for a group hug. Mr.Hertley, our principal got a picture clicked with us and then we all scurried off to meet our family. I was greeted with a warm hug from the boys first and then the girls.

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