Chapter 7

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'A Twist In Fate'

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

I was in a shock after hearing that. But before she could reply we heard the front door open and we both shot up from our places and ran downstairs.
Shawn was sitting on the couch with a bruised face, busted lips and bleeding nose while everyone else were around him, bombarding him with questions.

I pushed past all of them and went towards Shawn. I knelt before him. I touched his lips with my finger which caused him to wince. Without thinking twice, I took his hand gently in my hand and pulled him towards my room.

We went straight to the bathroom and I made him sit on the counter. I grabbed a first - aid box and took out some Salvon. I poured it on the cotton and wiped his face. He kept on moaning as I would touch his bruises. The sight itself was so painful that it made me want to cry. I blinked and the hot tears came pouring down my face. Shawn pulled me on his lap and wiped my tears with the pad of his thumb while I hid my face on the crook of his neck. We stayed in that position for awhile with me bawling my eyes out and him stroking my hair trying to comfort me. I do not know Shawn that well but it still hurts me so much to see him in pain.

I calmed myself and got off his lap and went back to apply the antiseptic . Suddenly he took the cream and out of my hands and lifted my chin with his index finger and thumb which made me look at him.

" Why are you doing this? " He asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I mean that why are you sitting here and helping me with the shit I brought upon myself? Why are you crying on my lap after how I behaved last night? Why are you not asking questions about what happened? Tell me!" He yelled on my face.

He is right. Why am I helping him and crying over him? Why do I care so much about him. For God's sake, I hardly know him. I just looked blankly at him not knowing how to answer.

" You are right. Why am I helping you. Honestly I don't know too." I answered his question while he looked at me with a shocked expression on his face like he did not expect me to answer.

Before he could react, I stood up and left the bathroom leaving him all alone.
I went downstairs and everyone was sitting with worried looks on their faces. I went and sat next to Niall and rested my head on his shoulder processing everything that happened a few minutes ago. Curiosity was eating me alive but this was not the time for questions....


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