Chapter 14

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'A Twist In Fate'

I was sitting on the bed thinking about Shawn. I couldn't understand what he was hiding from me. Yeah,I know that it was too soon for us to start a relationship but he was the one who asked me out. A relationship is about trust and understanding between two people and we could not even make it work for a day.It's okay if he does not want to tell me about it. I can't force him to. I was a bit harsh on him and I accept bit I still think that we should start as friends first.

Something about Shawn made me curious. He was such a sweet and innocent guy in interviews and stuff but in real life he was a complete different person. He was strange. His mood changes always confused me.

I somehow managed to put all these thoughts aside and go downstairs to find Shawn, apologise to him and tell him about my decision regarding us.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to be welcomed by something that absolutely broke me....

Yaaaayyy!! I updated finally. I am so sorry for not being active on any social media sites. I just wanted to take a break from internet but I missed writing. Hope you liked the chapter. Read my new book Reasons why we love Shawn Mendes. Vote and comment too.

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